Tonight, I forgo a night of booze and men just to meet up with three demented people from my supper gang to discuss about the next Friday trip.

Come to think of it, I must be demented enough to agree to go for a trip with 4 men. A wise friend, TV Smith reminded me, “Remember, you have only three holes”.

Well, like I have mentioned earlier in my blogs, they are nothing, but blood brothers. We decided to stay in Coral View Bay (4 stars) and will book 2 rooms since the rooms looked kinda packed, and there are only three beds in the room. There are 5 of us. Problem.

The Monk said he will sleep on the wooden floor. Koon was fast enough to retort, “Who will be the other one sleeping on the floor?? You pay so much money to sleep on the floor??” I said I couldn’t. As meaty as they think I am, I will wake up with aches all over my body. The Monk suggested that I get an extra mattress and sleep with him on the floor.

Lecherous Bastard (LB) called and said another friend would be joining us. Another guy. WHOOO???? Ah Ming. Who the hell is Ah Ming??? Kit’s friend from work.


So, we decided. Since there are 6 of us, it is either 2 in one room or 3 in one room.

(The truth is, Koon and Kit find it uncomfortable to sleep with a girl, and they are willing to pay more NOT to sleep with me in the same room. Very funny.)

4 of us will travel by bus, LB and Ah Ming will travel by van as they are leaving earlier for Kelantan on a business trip. Whoring trip more like it. :p

So now, the Monk said the 3 of them have to draw lots on who will sit with me in the bus for the estimated torturing 12 hours’ journey. I wanted to fly, but they insisted on traveling by land. (They are demented, remember?). The Monk used numerology to determine. He added all my phone numbers to get a single digit. Anything from 1 – 3, Kit will sit with me, 4-6, I will sit with Koon, anything above that, I will sit with him. He got a number 9. God is great or was it my wishful thinking? : the Monk pre-planned this.

We have assigned to ourselves the things to bring/things to do for the trip:

Koon: The bus tickets & rooms, playing cards (for strip poker – men will take off from the pants upwards), a broom (Not for flying). Koon has a habit of sweeping the floor every morning – he always does that whenever he sees a broom. Candle wax.

Kit: Snacks, pills for his backache, amulets (to keep me away), eye cream (he has really dark eye bags)

Self: Sunblock 130 SPF, shower gel, olive body butter, whipped cream and strawberries (Ahem! Ann told me to bring protection)

The Monk: Dagger (OoooOo, kinky), mantras, yellow robe, rosaries, insect repellant (to keep me away)

LB: Mineral water, beer, Absolut Vodka (sponsor by me), Condoms, condoms and more condoms (strictly business)

Ah Ming: I don’t know him. I hope he is gorgeous.

Oh. Boy. It is going to be a blast.

Related Stories: Post Mortem - Conclusion, Post Mortem III, Post Mortem II, Post Mortem I, Ignorance is Bliss, Office Abuse of E-mails, Ain't Love Grand?, Perhentian Trip: Preparation, Supper Gang: Revealed, Supper Talk


Backup comments said…
hope that all the repellent they bring to keep u away doesn’t work and hope u enjoy urself monkeyin away dementedly .. !!
paul | 08.02.04 – 4:08 pm | #
Hhahahahahahahhaha! Lomoch!

Sorry.. but this old heart prefer older men. 21 year olds, tak main lah. Thanks for the nice offer though. I will try to make the old monk to do the tricks you just mentioned.

Yeah Paul. When I come back, we will gather and talk about it over vegetarian buschettes.
Gina | Homepage | 08.03.04 – 1:10 am | #
The only meaning to life is that which you give it.

There are 5 holes-you forgot ears.
Anonymous | 08.03.04 – 12:56 pm | #

yo anonymous, it’s 3 below lah. if u want to include ears there’s 3 more (nostrils and mouth) u gotta include
ryuu | Homepage | 08.03.04 – 4:33 pm | #

Can we use earholes and nostrils too? Hmmph. Kinky.
Gina | Homepage | 08.04.04 – 12:02 am | #
Backup comments said…

Touche! You topped me.
Anonymous | 08.04.04 – 2:37 pm | #


What’s kinky is relative and in the
mind of the person, as the following

Masochist (anxious and enthralled):
“Beat me! Beat me!”

Sadist (calm and cool): “No.”

You get a gold star if you get the
above in 5 seconds.

The following poem using your name-initials.


Anonymous | 08.04.04 – 11:58 pm | #

Gravatar Anonymous:

TV Smith (Witty and Articulate. He is DA MAN)

“Erotic is when you use a feather.
Kinky is when u use the whole chicken.”
Gina | Homepage | 08.05.04 – 1:33 am | #


The “chicken” example is very good.

A few questions relative to the topic.

1. Is the pleasure in the “erotic,”
less than-equal to-or greater than the
pleasure in the “kinky?”

2. In your opinion which of the two do
most people seek?

3. Would you say the erotic is simply
the kinky carried to the extreme?

4. Finally, is there a beyond the kinky? If so would it be called the
Anonymous | 08.07.04 – 8:37 am | #

Kudos to TV Smith, Anonymous.

Sad to say, I have yet to experience what is “erotic” or “kinky” to give you a personal answer.

Based on my conversation with people in the internet, some find it erotic for a woman not to expose too much of herself. Leave a bit of clothes on for imagination.

Some men wear women’s knickers to make them feel kinky.

I don’t think eroticism is of any lesser than kinky when it comes to pleasure. It depends on what is your own personal definitions.

Anything beyond kinky, like what Masochist will say, “Beat me! Beat me!” It is S&M to me.
Gina | Homepage | 08.10.04 – 10:53 pm | #


Very good answers! Your honesty is
Anonymous | 08.12.04 – 3:08 pm | #

Gina | Homepage | 08.12.04 – 10:19 pm | #
Backup comments said…
ish. i think you should ditch this men lah.

how can sleep in same room one?

when i was in school that time, i like gurl biologi lesson a lot. but how come suddenly got 3 holes one? only got one hole my teecher say.
if i am wrong you please explain again.

what you need is the exuberance and EXPERIENCE of twentee one year old boy.

twentee year old boy can bring you to tropical island somewhere, somewhere, where beauty of place can only be eklipsed by your presence ok!

twentee one year old boy will also climb up the highest trees to bring you the sweetet fruits OK!
lomoch of blue cicak fame | Homepage | 08.01.04 – 9:46 am | #

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