11.03 a.m.
Went to see doc for the rashes I had on my right arm. She seemed to be amused since I diagnosed the problems myself and I even told her what to give me for medication. Told her I wanted polaramine, instead of piriton, for my flu which also can work as anti allergy medicine for my rashes (I worked as a clinic nurse before).

Apparently, the rashes on my right arm is due to being the combination of papaya, grape and olive body butter being applied on the same surface during last weekend shopping spree. Think this combination can be used to create a chemical weapon.

1.26 p.m.

Finished lunch. DA bought us Kentucky Fried Chicken today. His daughter’s full moon. Actually, the baby was born prematurely at 6 months. Good thing the baby girl is coping well. Very generous of him. One person is entitled to one dinner plate – consists of 3 pieces of original recipe chicken, one tub of whipped potato and coleslaw, and a bun. I guess I have to do double the time on the treadmill and the cross trainer today. Sigh. Should have offered two pieces to my Malay colleagues who seemed to own a stomach of whale.

1.30 p.m.

A bit groggy due to the medication took for allergies. Have to get an eyeshut for a few minutes. Power nap they called it. Americans paid US$14 for a 20 minute sleep in some power nap services providers in between office hours. Whites!


Backup comments said…
Next time I consult you la…. Hope you won’t charge me.
Ann | 07.29.04 – 6:07 pm | #

HahahhahaHahhahahah. Anytime, Ann, anytime.
Gina | 07.29.04 – 11:24 pm | #

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