Yesterday in office, everyone was in a total chaos. Thanks to the lazy, clueless and useless lawyer (a.k.a. Her Royal Highness) that the Company hired.

There were major changes in the terms and conditions of some Agreements, and as usual the management often overlook the Secretarial Department. The Secretarial department in any one company should be called the Scapegoat Department (or if you prefer - Spinsters Department, Sampah Department, Sadists Department, Shitty Department). We always do things that other people deemed unimportant till some Directors/ Officers ended up with hefty penalties or worse, in jail for lack of compliance.

Her Royal Highness, is in her mid 30s, suffering from perpectual chronic cough (this stupid woman actually coughed ON me when she passed me the agreements), skinny scarecrow and her ONLY daily task in the office is to monitor her only son’s food intake.

She would call home constantly to nag the maid to prepare stuffs for the spoilt brat. (I don’t know if he is spoilt. His mother sure made him sounded like one). The timing for the maid to take out the fruits or vegetables from the fridge is also subject to her control, much to my bewilderment. Number of slices of fruits to be given to that spoilt brat is also being supervised. (I can’t help but eavesdrop as she tends to talk too loudly to the maid as if she (maid) is deaf).

As much as one will love his/her own flesh and blood, by controlling the maid or the son’s daily food intake, abusing the office phone is not a solution. If she is such a good mom with overwhelming motherly love for her child, she might as well bloody quit her job and stay home. I wonder how long more the Company will keep her in the payroll list.

Mr Xmas despises her so much that he communicated to her thru my boss, Sugar, much to our disgust. Mr Xmas even requested the Company’s DA (disgruntled accountant) to draft a Loan Agreement, instead of Her Royal Highness. Now I realized what Sugar meant by “WE ARE FAMILY” when she interviewed me for this job. We have to clean up other colleagues’ shit whenever they are inefficient/ useless/ incapable. Heck, I discovered that I am quite good in vetting agreements. One plus point here.

It is amazing how Her Royal Highness always gets away with mistakes she made, by being totally clueless or just by saying the three magical words, “I DON’T KNOW”. And all her servants (us) will scurry to her rescue, as we do not wish for any hick ups in our workload, which in turn will result in our sorry asses being fried by Mr Xmas. It’s kinda sad that such individuals still exist much to other’s expense.

Like the Malay proverb which goes, “Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga”.

I can’t wait for the day the squirrel falls flat on its face.


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