As I was busy with some paper work till midnight, Chris called me at 12.30 a.m.

Chris: Hello Gina??

Self: You mad ah? What time is it? Such ungodly hour!

Chris: Are you sleeping now?

Self: If I am asleep, who is this person who is talking to you now?

Chris: Sorry, were you sleeping?

Self: Shut up. What do you want??

Chris: Do you have the Star paper today?

Self: Yes..

Chris: Can you have a look at page 26?

Self: Why? Your face in on the paper as wanted criminal?

Chris: You go and have a look. *Sounded serious and worried*

Self: ... Shit lah. What is it?

Chris: Look, then tell me, is this how it supposed to look like?

Self: Look like what??

Chris: Go see lah...

*Ruffle ruffle paper frantically.

Self: *Grunt grunt*

Chris: Found it or not?

Self: Wait lah...... ..

Self: .........

Self: FUCK YOU LAH!!!!!


Laughing at people's misfortune is a BADDDDDDDDDDDDD thing. You wait, Chris! You just wait!!

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Backup comments said…
hehehe…. Quite cool that you have such humourous friends
toxic | 10.19.05 – 4:13 am | #

Anonymous | 10.19.05 – 7:50 am | #

hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahhhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhh ahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahaahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhhahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahah Gina sorry i had to laugh!!!!!!!!!
ahlian | 10.19.05 – 9:47 am | #

hmmm…call you in the middle of the nite for that??? ler, he got lots of free time while you lost time…man, talk abt bad timing. btw, who’s chris then? Cheers!
JoeC | Homepage | 10.19.05 – 10:42 am | #

ryuu | 10.19.05 – 1:59 pm | #
Backup comments said…
u r becoming like aimless akk…. i love ya blog…. so entertaining….
Kitjar Sukjaidee | Homepage | 10.19.05 – 9:51 pm | #

toxic: Tell me about it. I have friends who are clowns.

anonymous: Ha ha back.

Ahlian: Yeah. Actually it is kinda hilarious.

JoeC: Chris is a medical student studying to be a gynae. Ha ha. He’s a hunk.

Ryuu: Lol

Kit: Deprivation of sleep will do this to anyone…
Gina | Homepage | 10.20.05 – 12:49 am | #

Hey, c’mon! Since she told me she was involved in a 6 vehicle pile up, that scene looked so familiar. Besides… i was bored y’know? And i tried not to be mean, but i just couldn’t resist. LOL! =P
Chris Wu | Homepage | 10.20.05 – 1:29 am | #

gina, I’m so sorry to know that you have a mean friend around you… haha.

but that sures brought you some laughter (aside from the desire to kick his posterior … haha)

thanks for sharing something so painful with your readers!
greenapple | Homepage | 10.21.05 – 4:35 am | #

greenapple : =P
Chris Wu | Homepage | 10.21.05 – 2:29 pm | #

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