This morning, I wrote an e-mail to Takeshi as usual, talking crap. I had left my purse at home. I drove to work, 20 km away without license. I blamed him for this, saying that I was bowled over by his gorgeousness, when I met him for dinner the night before, which left me ecstatic.

It was a lucky thing that my sister was on leave, she managed to drop my purse at my office before noon, when I had promised to buy Sugar and my HR Manager lunch today.

I have tendered my resignation letter this morning and the adrenalin rush was unbelievable. I was practically slogging my ass off in the office. Trying to tie some loose ends before the long holiday.

Towards lunch, he dropped me an e-mail saying this:-

hey ...sorry..i hv some probs now...damn...cannot really talk or email u so soon...later lar. it has something involving polices....damn!

I panicked. I sent him an sms –Aiya. If you need help, anything to do with traffic, let me know!

He sms-ed me back - No. it’s something criminal. Extortion & kidnap.

I said, Serious shit???? Don’t fuck with me. If you need help, let me know, I can source for you.

He said, It’s ok. Batt running low.

WHAT?? Kidnap and extortion?? Who is the suspect? HIM?? Another mistaken identity? He lost his IC before??

To make the matter worse, over lunch, (I was already losing my appetite), my HR Manager told me a story of being held custody and also being followed by the KGB, while in Moscow when he was young. Russia was a communist country then. When he got back from Russia, he was instructed to provide full report on what he did while in Moscow. He told stories of how a friend of his was being detained by the ISA, how a person was being interrogated, etc. I turned purplish and broke into cold sweat.

Having a wild and vivid imagination, my mind went bonkers - conspiracy theory, how the police is going to scroll his mobile phone book and found that I was the last person who had spoken to him the night before, how my company is going to suspend my salary if I were being held custody as an accomplice, what if they suspend my passport and bar me from going to Bali early February, etc.. as I was the last person to be seen with him the night before….

I called WY, expressing my concern, and she wasn't of much help either. She frightened me further, saying that, if the kidnapping happened last night, I would have to be his alibi and probably need to lie to the police to save his ass by saying I spent the night with him till morning. Chi-sin!! Acting meh?? Kam sit tai??

I am overreacting, I know. On a serious note, if he needs help, I could drop everything and be there for him.

He called me later in the evening and broke down in tears. Alarmed, I advised him to calm down. I asked him, if he is in the police custody now. He said in between his sobs (or was it his usual asthmatic attack?) that he was on his way there.

I frantically screamed over the phone, which seemed to be breaking up, asking, “Are you going to jail???”

He ended the call abruptly, saying he would call me back.

It was such a dread that I decided to call a few friends to ask for any criminal lawyers phone numbers, bearing in mind that, tomorrow is the Chinese New Year’s eve.

The panic was mounting after the last abrupt call. I prayed for a miracle to happen.

It did.

He called, 20 minutes later, explaining the situation.

Apparently, a bunch of hooligans were extorting protection money from the contractor who is renovating Takeshi's house. They had threatened to do something nasty to the house, if he doesn't pay up. The contractor didn't give a flying fuck and said he wasn't the owner and gave them Takeshi's phone number. What a fucking idiot!

Takeshi didn't want to pay . The extortions and harassments went on and on till this morning, one of the workers got kidnapped by the gangster and they asked for ransom. He wasn't even the boss of the workers at the first place. It was the contractor's. But the contractor didn't give a shit. What an irresponsible bastard! Being his compassionate self, Takeshi cooperated with the police and managed to nab the suspect.

He was on the prosecuting side and not the one being prosecuted.

I slapped myself hard in the face. I fret for no reason. I am such a dumbass.

What a bummer!! Then why cry at the first place lak? Ya allah. Drama habis.

In less than one minute, all the profanities you could think of, came right out of my mouth.


I heaved a sigh of relief that he was fine! Disturbed and hungry, but he was alright.

It was a good thing that I don’t have any heart ailments. Or else, I could have suffered some serious stroke.

Jumping into conclusion could cause dire consequences.

I really cannot understand why some people could be cruel enough to cause so much harm to other people, who has been innocent all his life and minding his own business all this while. Especially those irresponsible people who did not bother to play their parts to ensure that all those sampah masyarakat to be put behind the bars for good. I guess no one would like to be put through the stress from the hassles of the outcome of the report - going to court, reporting to the police, facing future harassment by the criminals still at large, etc or maybe people were just plain ignorant on what to do when they encounter such problem.

Takeshi felt he was being played like a lifeless puppet by God, if there is one. I understand his frustration, and hope that this unwarranted incident would make him into a tougher person. Not many people would have the guts to report the matter as everyone is afraid of consequences, or probably has no faith in the legislation here. The police did a pretty impressive job, this time.

Hang in there, bud!

Hope the police finds the worker soon.

I seriously hope Takeshi would be alright.

Update (2.53 a.m.):-

The worker managed to escape and lodged a police report with help of Takeshi. I hope this would deter other punks from trying to harass innocent people and causing unnecessary stress and trauma.


Backup comments said…
Reads like a Jackie Chan flick, wow! Glad that worker got out safe and they didn’t send his finger or something to his boss.
fishtail | Homepage | 01.28.06 – 5:15 am | #

whoa….real drama come to life right there! double dose of adrenalin rush for you in a day! glad all involved are not harmed.
eternity | Homepage | 01.28.06 – 8:58 am | #

betul betul like drama la! Unbelievable!

I thought my day was eventful, yours was added with colors!
laymank | 01.28.06 – 5:37 pm | #

That was a close shave. One of the few times the police are presented in a good light.

worrying and jumping to conclusions just goes to show you’re a good friend enough to care mah.
yuin | Homepage | 01.28.06 – 6:40 pm | #

Ppl are mad and criminal these days… crazy!

Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni, Happy Groovy Chinese New Year Gina, may the year brings bountiful of good luck, fruitful times, health, wealth and fullfilment in your life and your family. Cheers!
Joe C | Homepage | 01.28.06 – 8:45 pm | #

Malaysia boleh lah kan.

Scary how everyone seems to think that they’re capable of doing anything with little regards as to how and what would happen to them if they actually end up being caught.

I blame Akademi Fantasia.
Eddie | Homepage | 01.30.06 – 4:02 pm | #

sounds like a show from box office
foodcrazee | 01.30.06 – 10:18 pm | #

Gina, Happy New Year and enjoy your trip!
laymank | 02.02.06 – 12:45 am | #

Hello fellas.. Yeah. He is fine. I hope he would continue to be fine. Well, whenever I pray to God, I have only one wish – that everyone would be safe from any harm.

Akademi fantasia?? Ha ha ha!!

Thanks, laymank. Hope you would have an eventful weekend, too!
Gina | Homepage | 02.03.06 – 1:40 am | #

emmm, please do not applaud the police juz yet, there is tremendous room for improvement … they still could not give me that assurance that i m looking for……but i was only hoping that everyone sud hv some sense of responsibility and play their role…nothing more, nothing less.

thanks for yer concern.
t | 02.03.06 – 4:40 pm | #

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