This is the time of the year where everyone would sit down and recollect what they have done throughout the year. Some people wondered how time flies so fast, where did time go? Some people thought that they had achieved more than they could ever dream of and feeling contented. For me, it is just another year end blues.

As I was driving home last Thursday night from my Nihon-go class, past memories suddenly flashed back and forth my fatigue mind. I was a bit confused and in a daze but somehow, tears just welled up in my eyes. I didn’t know for sure, was it because of the tiredness I felt or was it because there was a feeling of emptiness inside.

I dismissed the thought and looked at the small Christmas fruit cake, with little Christmas tree and a snowman, I had bought for Sasha, on the front passenger seat. I beamed with joy.

It is funny how a stranger would bring so much joy into one’s life. Sasha is not my child. Yet, I felt so much joy to see her whenever I am at home and all of us treat her like one of our own. I wish that her parents would do more for her – not that they did not try their best. Sasha had been under our care for 3 years now and would start schooling in January.

I have to remember that one day, when she is old enough, she would leave us for good. I dreaded the thought. I hope I am not home, when she is being taken away.

I just don’t understand why a stranger could be so nice to another stranger when some friends or family members could not.

For instance, a fellow blogger called me to inform me of the CDC manufacturing defects on certain models of digicam. Another fellow blogger sent me the contact numbers to send my camera to, and told me how to go about it. I sent in my camera to be rectified but, was surprised by getting a brand new IXUS50 as a replacement for my Ixus II 3.2 FOR FREE! Thank you, Kitjar. Merci beaucoup, Archie! This is the best Christmas present, EVER!!

Or a fellow stranger who sent you to the car workshop when your car brokedown without asking for anything in return. She eventually became a friend.

Or a fellow stranger who advised you when you have the “I-AM-LOST-PLEASE-HELP” look on your face as to which train to take, as this is the first time you were taking the Komuter and you realize how ridiculous the interconnecting train system in Malaysia is.

Or a fellow stranger who offered to snap your pictures and promised to e-mail them to you when your camera battery chose to die unceremoniously during critical moments.

Or off late, a fellow stranger who offered his sincere companionship in the form of enlightening e-mails, which inadvertently light up my otherwise mediocre days in the office.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

I hope that everyone’s life would be blessed with such beautiful strangers – Good Samaritans in disguise, at the time you needed help the most.

Have a wonderful and productive year ahead and Happy New Year everyone!


Backup comments said…
hmm.. i think i did nothing to help u as a stranger. Hopefully i inspired u to eat more chicken and turkey ya! lol…
kampungkai | Homepage | 12.21.05 – 11:54 pm | #

productive year ahead??? ok, gotcha, will try my best!!! hehehehehe. u 2 ok? i wish deep deep for u.

u lucky lar, got new camera….. sigh, feel like having a caffeine rush……**..heheheh.
archie | 12.22.05 – 12:50 am | #

i had my share of encounters with good samaritans, especially last weekend when i nearly miss my Vegas flight because the flight is leaving in 15 mins and there’s around 30 to 40 people in front of me at the customs check.

everybody let me pass once they knew my predicament
ryuu | 12.22.05 – 1:00 am | #

It goes to show that deep down people are good and helpful, especially to good souls like you.
just take it easy Gina, its always like that for me too this time of the year.
yuin | Homepage | 12.22.05 – 6:31 pm | #

i always believe in what goes around comes around thingy! so be good every1.
foodcrazee | 12.22.05 – 9:34 pm | #

i agree with foodcrazee, one good deed deserves another. you probably have so many that they are returned to you from unknown persons. you are blessed in that sense.
eternity | Homepage | 12.23.05 – 8:55 am | #

Ah Jong: Just remember me in your prayers! That would be nice!

Archie: Go drink kopi Aik Cheong lah. Jom!

Ryuu: Wah.. thank goodness! Not many people could be that courteous. You are lucky! Try to be early next time.

Yuin: Merry Christmas Yuin! Hope everything is fine with ya.

foodcrazee: It’s true! Karmic retribution I guess.

Eternity: Heh.. shy to say.. Actually, I am the good samaritan for the broken car, the train.. and the picture.
Gina | Homepage | 12.24.05 – 1:55 am | #

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