Cute Gym Parole Officer

SMS Report

Ann’s car was behind mine on the road. Instead of taking the route to the gym, I went the other way towards home….

Self: Just in case if you think I ponteng (Malay: Skip) gym, I have an insurance appointment today.

I could see Ann grinning cynically from my rear mirror.

In another SMS Report

Ann: How many times you go to gym this week? Twice or once?

Self: Twice.

Ann: Your initial plan is 3 times a week, at least, right? Buck up, friend!!

Self: Yeah. Will try to go this weekend to make the quota of thrice a week.

Ann: Good. Per month must at least 12 times. Dun meet quota then you every sat and sun go la.

Fuh….. I am being controlled by a friend, who think shopping is a strenuous exercise. I am feeling like a participant in a gym-procrastinator anonymous meeting.

Body Step

I have been a regular in Body Step and Body Combat classes – to exercise my entire body instead of only the legs – cross trainer and treadmill is getting a tad too boring.

I miss the Japanese instructor, Riyo. She is so much better compare to the regular instructor she replaced for two weeks. Yesterday was the launch of new tracks. Whatever that means. I didn’t break much sweat – much to my disappointment. Perhaps, after two weeks of blunder on the steps and looking like a kangaroo in boxer’s gloves, my stamina had gradually built up? Sure hope so.

In Riyo’s class, you get to exercise non-stop, choreographed to precision, good music, and every step makes your body work optimally. The next morning you wake up with aching body, which is worth the pain. Guess this is just a psychological effect – the pain makes the body think that it had exercised enough for the entire week – even if you’ve been to gym only once a week. (Ann will kill me for saying this.)

Well.. will be off to Ipoh this weekend for a good friend’s wedding dinner. Have a good weekend ahead, people.

The Torture Chamber


Backup comments said…
Helping you making your money worth and also attain what you want out of joining the gym, woman!!
Ann | 10.02.04 – 9:43 am | #

shopping is an exercise! *lol* good luck with the workouts gina.
CC | 10.04.04 – 11:38 am | #

Ann: Yes, Madam!

CC: It is not. I read it somewhere. I think my doc said so too – shopping is NOT an exercise. Haha.
Gina | Homepage | 10.05.04 – 12:16 am | #

well, my bro broke his record recently by going to the gym 6 times a week. he wanted to make his money’s worth. he said since you pay RM170 a month, must go at least 17 times a month so that the rate per day is RM10. hahaha. people go to such extremes.
victoria | 10.12.04 – 1:46 pm | #

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