That's the Spirit!
Numerous e-mails exchanged between the booze party organizing committee earlier today, as though we are planning to welcome the aliens in a style ala Independence Day, the movie.
[This is a condensed format for easy (confusing) reading]
Blue – CK
Fuchsia– YY
Yellow - WY
As it is- Gina
List of PIC (Person In Charge)
Accommodation: CK
Good day all. I have already booked a 2-room apartment at "XYZ Resort" directly facing the sea.
Ada swimming pool?
Yes, there is swimming pool. What the fish balls you want to go to the pool when you can swim in the sea??
is the swimming pool well maintained????
People from PD know we can’t swim in the sea. Only tourists do. The damn sea is so damn dirty. you sure you are from PD???
yeah, the price of body shampoo has gone up, dun wan to use up the whole bottle of 400ml body shampoo after swimming in the sea. would rather to build sand castle than swimming..
Halo, the sea water there is still swimmable lah.....
Peter finally re-appeared and he told me that he would TRY to make it.
Confirmed coming: CK, YY, WY, Gina, Shien (75%)
WY said she will try to get her colleague (guy) to go.
here are the suggested shopping list: (costs to be shared)
24 cans of tiger beer
24 bottles of mineral water
One bottle of liquor - your choice (Tequilla/Vodka/Jack Daniels)
some snacks
3 bottles of red wine (on me)
Good to hear more people are turning up. Ok now...!!!! Let me go through the list, and correct if there is any amendments.
oooii...slow down, i'm lost...
Drinks: Gina/Shien
So you ppl still want beer? or we go for hard liquor? tequilla straight up?
Beer is up to u all, as I won't be drinking much.
ok lah. Let me and the drunken master, shien decide on this.
Gina, beer is so damn high in calories... somemore, 2 cans of beer, can end my day liao. I am sponsoring ¾ bottle of Martini.
Ok set! uhm..on second thought, Shien might finish the vodka before we reach PD
Gina, after buying the liquor, please pass it to us and let us bring it to PD...
You'd better hold him down before he finishes it. Please don't HOLD the wrong thing down.
Can the thing stand when someone’s drunk? :p
Transport: Yet to confirm
CK or YY to drive. I will get Peter to drive if he cums... err.. comes..
how if u tak jadi make him cums???
Gina never disappoints..
I will depart KL to PD at 1pm. Those who wish to go there earlier can hop into my car.
Probably the girls will follow you first, while I wait for the two men.
Ck, I will follow you... WY, wat bout u? Gina, can i choose not to drive? plzzzz
you are not driving what. i said CK or YY. so either one of you will fetch the other.
I am trying to get Peter to go by enticing him with propositions from the karma sutra. see what great lengths I would go for you, KOK YY. sigh.
Gina, u r my pal lar... but i didn't ask you to go to that extend wor... So, anything happens to Peter, you "gao dim" (Cantonese: handle?) him, ya? no eye see
BBQ/FOOD/Snacks: WY & YY
WY said doing BBQ is so damn mah fan. (Cantonese: cumbersome) Suggest a simple meal instead. up to you people. the cleaning up after BBQ would be shitty. and i dont think anyone of us would be sober enough to clean anyway?
i think your computer kena virus. I receive the same e-mail 18 times from YY. Are you overly sexcited?
i think BBQ is a waste of time.
aiyoh, stupid IMU server.... i didnt' mean to bomb your mail box....
can we just go out for seafood? i think there is a pasar malam there on saturday nite. aiks.. got puasa worr... ok not? or we all can drive to seremban at nite and eat the ketam bakar then come back to PD and hantam kuat kuat the arak. (Malay: Drink till pissed drunk)
I am not sure about this... Please ask the the master chef about it.....
oh ya, i also heard that seremban has nice ketam bakar... but never tried before... Ei, CK, the BBQ place is at the beach or few meters away from the beach? if only it's at the beach then only we'll go for BBQ, ya?
ei, quick quick confirm, whether BBQ or no BBQ, tomorrow i won't be able to check my mail.... let me know..
Why don't we ask for majority...... whether or not do BBQ.... At this last minute, phone call will be the best way to get a quick answer....
can i vote for... hiyoh... i dunno leh... what ever lar... coz out of a sudden, feel lazy pulak..
ok lar, i vote for seremban ketam bakar... ( plz make sure someone knows the place)
FYI; I do not know where or does it ever exist about the KETAM bakar.....
dont worry. I THINK I know. NO BBQ. since so few ppl.
Hi all, Like Gina said, since there is only a few of us, we just eat for the Ketam Bakar thing, can we check with any seremban friends?
1) Drinks coordinator, I think that water is not necessary as we can boil. The 2 room apartment has complete cooking facilities.
OK- but we still need some cold water before we boil. Takkan lah we wait till drinks to cool down. I will get one 5 litre one. Just in case.
Buy ICE lah..... There is a fridge in the apartment.
2) All purchases please send your receipts to our treasurer Ms. YY for final calculation.
Yes, sir
Yeah, just pass all the bills to me... FYI, i did badly in my math during schooling days...
P/S: I might not be able to join you all for long as I have to attend church the next morning.
What the F*ck??
CK, can we go to church with you??? Gina, CK is playing guitar leh... ( SURPRISE)
What church? Alcohol and Church just don’t go together. (Dejavu!! – An infamous blogger got into senseless trouble because of an irresponsible remark by a phantom reader. Gasp!)

All for Freedom of Speech!
No matter what you guys and gals have fun.
You betcha.
Remember: don't VOMIT all over the place.
We WILL vomit ALL OVER THE PLACE. You have to stay back to make sure we DON'T.
If you VOMIT all over you have to clean up after that....
Make sure you have sufficient dustbins or pails to accumulate the vomit. The last time i remembered - we trashed an apartment in PD Perdana. totally TRASHED.
Ok, those who vomit, plz clean up your own mess. Me n Gina are not going to be the "ah sum" (Cantonese: Maid) again....
no eye see... dun care, ain't going to clean up the mess...
Shit lah. I was hoping someone can assist me in cleaning my puke. It is going to be really shitty this time.
Aiyo.... The simplest solution to the person is going to VOMIT is PUSH them down the balcony. Case Close..... ;p
Push down balcony some more. This is insane.
Wow, CK, the apartment is at which floor ah? make sure it's high enough to kill.
So.. if you read the front page of the papers on Sunday about a pissed drunk moron fell over the balcony accidentally and landed on a cactus bush– it is NOT an accident. The culprit is CK and accomplice, YY.
maybe next time
ryuu | 10.16.04 – 12:42 pm | #
See… everybody is health conscious now. NO ONE responded for the invitation to the booze party, except for one guy who e-mailed me. Hahahha.
It was hilarious. It was fun. Next Sunday is another major one. Wanna join?
Gina | Homepage | 10.18.04 – 1:02 am | #
WOW!!!!!!!! too bad i was sooo exhausted from reading all the agreements earlier . .
Paul | Homepage | 10.18.04 – 11:38 am | #