Braces, anyone?

I brushed my teeth for the third time today, in three months working in this new office. I tried my best to make this a habit. Unfortunately, laziness proved to be much more superior compare to my quest for the perfect teeth.

I haven’t been to the dentist for 5 years until the last visit this Chinese New Year, receiving 5 fillings and one extraction, all at one go. Dr Rocky Lau* also warned me to take extra care of my worst-specimen-for-dentist teeth. It is a good thing he owed my late grandma a great deal of rental that I only paid RM50 for this overhaul-of-the-jaw spree.

My set of teeth has a life of its own. They happily align themselves in their own chaotic bliss. I should have listen to the midwives’ tale: to mind where we throw our teeth once they fall off, in order to determine the way they are to grow back. Heck.. I even have an extra tooth on the lower gum: 17 instead of the normal 16 (for human). My mutated teeth are really disgusting. I think God must have given the lousiest orthodontist the job when He made me. My teeth belong to the house of reject.

Here’s some examples of my friends who would do all they can in the name of the perfect teeth.

My colleague, who just celebrated her 40th birthday this week, has the habit of brushing teeth in office after every meal. She has been brushing for as long as she can remember. Yet, I didn’t see she has sparkling set of white teeth, like they advertise on tv. (Also, nice breath doesn’t guarantee you a boyfriend. :p)

Mae spent about RM3,000/- on braces – I think James needed it more than she does.

I can’t imagine myself having to wear braces. I would be too lazy to cut my food in bite sizes, chew slowly or take extra care while brushing, and spending a bomb on the braces to live a torturing life for at least 2 years. I think I would use dentures when I grow old. I don’t like chewing gum either. So, I gather it won’t pose much threat.

*He likes Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky, hence the name. He has been my dentist since I started teething. I am able to eat fried chicken in 2 hours after extraction of my wisdom tooth.


Backup comments said…
aw it can’t be that bad!

initially, braces will cause an overgrowth of ulcers that will make life hell for about a week or two.

after that, your mouth will become accustomed to the sharper bits. But there’s always dental wax to help you patch the sharp parts up.

I think the crappiest bit about braces are the rubber bands.

Braces are alright.. they are worth it.
Mine’s coming off… I hope, within a month. it’s been nearly three years.
jolene | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 3:41 am | #

i had braces, they aren’t that bad. you get used to it. the only time i got an ulcer was when my sister accidentally whacked me in the mouth. now THAT was painful. so you see… if you dont have any pesky siblings running around whacking you where they shouldn’t – no problemo! :D
CC | 10.07.04 – 10:21 am | #

See? I sacrificed. True love knows no bounds. *ahaks*
james | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 11:56 am | #

I met an old Canadian once who had a good set of teeth. His secret? He gargles with water immediately after every meal. That removes sugar and starch from the gums immediately. There are limits to the effectiveness of brushing. I would think that flossing once a day is much better than brushing three times a day.
viewtru | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 12:55 pm | #
Backup comments said…
RM50 for 5 fillings and 1 extraction? Name and number of your dentist pls.
mdmafia | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 1:25 pm | #

You make it sound like you have the worst set of teeth in the world. Come on…. it’s not that bad!
Ann | 10.07.04 – 2:17 pm | #

it’s not that bad . . i have gaps & 101% laziness to do anything about it.
weel, girl, either water or salt water should do the trick on getting the perfect white ‘colgate’ teeth with the flashing ‘darlie’ smile!
Paul | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 3:11 pm | #

hahaha… and I thought I have bad teeth. But then, I had four fillings and 2 extractions. lol. I miss my teeth.
Kat | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 7:15 pm | #

Geee.. didnt know my crooked teeth would caused such a stir.

Jolene: Congratulations! You have gone thru enough! It is time to look pretty!

CC: OUCH! Well, I guess getting braces is good for my diet plan also. With pain in the mouth – I would hardly have appetite to eat.. Hmm.. beats any slimming centre!

James: If you go for plastic surgery also… won’t do much improvement. *Ahaks* Kidding lah.

Viewtru: I agree that brushing alone will not do.. but I don’t floss either. I think I never floss more than 10 times in my life till today!

Uhm, Mdm, it is in Port Weld, Taiping. Fourth house to the right from AmBank. Only open on Fridays and Saturdays.

Ann& Paul: I am good in hiding my teeth.

Kat: Anyone with the surname “Cheng” has bad teeth?
Gina | Homepage | 10.07.04 – 11:53 pm | #

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