Take 77.. Action.. CUT!


The Director

This group of people is always not satisfied with certain parts of the movie.

When Danny got killed in the power switch room.

Patron 1: How can you kill him there? You could be suspected. Danny was last seen walking into that room with you!! STUPID-nya!

The Commentator/Spokeperson

This group of people would comment/speak just about anything. They would be more than happy to brief you, not only about this movie – but the previous sequels (if any). Besides that, they always have a Q & A session THROUGHOUT the entire movie.

They sound like sports commentators – minus the pay and adoring fans….. or worse… the cinema would turn into a talk show – LIVE.

The Sound Effect Coordinator

When Jason Bourne doused a RM90 Smirkoff Vodka on his shot wounds..

Patron 1: Ouch.. Szzzzzzzz…… *grimacing in pain*

Patron 2: Szzzzzzzz…… aiyoh… Szzzzzzzzzzz *grimacing in pain*

When the car case scene went awry …..

Patron 1: Chhuuutt… Chuuuttt…. Chuuutttt…..*grimacing in agony that Jason smashed the cab*

Patron 2: Chhuuutt… What a waste…. Chuuutttt…..

The Script Writer

This group of people has the tendency to guess what the actors would do or say next.

Jason Bourne on the train.

Patron 1: Wait and see. He would jump off the train.

Patron 2: OoooOOooo… *seemed to be genuinely impressed*

Patron 1: See…. I told you.

Jason Bourne caught Abbott, pants down.

Patron 1: He is going to shoot himself.

Note: Just too bad there’s no reward for correct guesses.

The Irritated

Guess most of the cinema goers are categorized into this group of people. They just get darn irritated when they go to movies with the Director, the Commentator/Spokeperson, the Sound Effect Coordinator and the Script Writer. Patience is put to test whenever you watch movies with the entire movie crew.

Too bad they have banned pirated VCDs.

P.S. Thanks to Paul for the free tix to watch the Bourne Supremacy.


Backup comments said…
what about the daddy long legs group? those that can’t stop kicking your chair in time to the music of the movie sound track.

http://jayelleenelial.blogdrive….rchive/ 100.html

come and see my bad experience. *sweat*
jolene | Homepage | 10.08.04 – 2:24 am | #

I know what you mean about the script writer!
Can’t help themselves.
Toxic | 10.08.04 – 3:46 am | #

you left out the most important group – the call center operators! ppl who for some reason just have to answer their phones in the middle of the movie. no amount of nokia pre movie msgs seems to deter them.
CC | 10.08.04 – 10:29 am | #

this is the best description of cinema-goers that i’ve ever red… thanx for the “truth” laugh… HAHAHA
Nilesh | Homepage | 10.08.04 – 11:17 am | #

most welcome.

Most of them can’t help themselves
* the usual lame excuse *

Well, cinema can mean this : C=Come I=In N=’N’ E=Express M=Major A=Action

Haha! Never thought of it that way, must be deaf or couldn’t care less or join the group . .
Paul | Homepage | 10.08.04 – 11:38 am | #

You left out those who-thinks-the-cinema-is-a-children’s playground group.
mdmafia | Homepage | 10.08.04 – 4:02 pm | #
Backup comments said…
yeah, i just shut off a crying kid when watching spiderman 2
gina’s bro | 10.08.04 – 9:06 pm | #

Hahaha! People: I discovered only these five types of people in the movie, Bourne Supremacy, that I watched on last Wed in Mid Valley. Will blog about it more when I watched other movies.

I remembered once, I shouted at a Mandarin speaking couple (They were whispering and commenting during the entire movie)-”SHUT THE F*CK UP” when they couldn’t understand my mandarin version of “shut the f*ck up.” The movie – End of Days. Boy. They sure do not know how I could end their day if they don’t shut up.
Gina | Homepage | 10.10.04 – 3:02 am | #

Toxic: I am the script writer and the director.
Gina | Homepage | 10.10.04 – 3:03 am | #

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