A good friend of mine had fallen victim to the notorious snatch thieves. Much have been debated on how to curb this problem, yet nothing is being done. The police is totally helpless in this(I am too kind to have use this word - helpless). This morning, I heard over the radio that these things happened were all due to the PUBLIC's fault for having a "tidak apa attitude". What the F*ck?

Now we know why Malaysian government do not legalise owning a gun. People will use it to their advantage. With a motorbike and an accomplice, you can rob, kill and terrorise the nation. We do not need any sophisticated weapons to do so. This is disheartening. The government sworn to do their best to combat international terrorist, yet they can't even weed out the snails at their own backyard.

Well, here is the e-mail from this friend to serve as a reminder that, since the police can't do anything about it, we have to safeguard ourselves from these notorious bastards.

Wai Ye's e-mail

Dear all,

This mail is just a reminder, yes I know that most of you have receive plenty of such mail but since snatch theft incidents is so rampant nowadays, so just be CAUTIOUS and ALERT of your surroundings. Take a moment and read on....

I’m a victim of snatch theft. Yes I can’t believe it myself either but it happened. It was on Friday, 11 June 2004 at 7 p.m. (the sky still clear) at an alley near Wisma Tan Kim San, Jln Ipoh. As usual, it was after my aerobic class and most of the time, I will car pool my colleague’s but that day was exceptional as she needs to go off early and I have to walk to my bus stop. I was walking briskly towards the bus stop of which I will enter an alley (it’s a short cut to my bus stop). The walking distance only took my five minutes.

As a pedestrian, I’m always cautious on my walking position i.e. if I’m walking inside (i.e. near parked car or buildings) I will switch my bag as well. So I was already walking close enough to a car parked near the building (my bag was near the car, which I carried with my right arm). I speed up my pace so I can reach the bus stop as soon as possible since it’s getting dark soon.

I’m not prepared for what’s going to happen next. Out of nowhere a motorbike with two Indian guys, drove between the space of my right side and the car. In split second, the second guy sitting behind the bike grabbed my bag. I have no time to let go and was being pulled forward whilst trying to resist the snatch but the bike accelerated and I fell to the ground.

At this point of time, I know I’m hurt. An Indonesian lady who witnesses the incident, cried for help but the bike sped off like a speeding bullet. The Indonesian lady came to me and profusely asked whether I’m ok. I was too numb to speak at all but I managed to nod indicating that I’m fine.

All this happened within minute. I didn’t even managed to identify the plate number but only managed to remember their attire. I was shocked, blanked, hurt and too petrified to even cry out. What’s running through my mind that moment was to lodge police report and to cancel all my credit card and ATM but I have no one to turn to.

Fortunately, two Indian ladies who came to my aid. The calmed me down, they talked to me, offered me help and later drove me to the nearest police station to lodge report. They even gave me money and lend me their mobile to make emergency calls. They’re my guardian angel. Thanks to them, I managed to call my friend for help and my sister to pick me up from the police station. I’m fortunate to met strangers who are willing to help me.

Everything was taken care of then, I managed to lodge report after waiting for 50 minutes (they’re short of manpower, the lady officer even asked if I could type my own report!). The whole ordeal was painstaking but I’m lucky (TOUCH WOOD) to sustained minor injury (scratched on my arm, elbow and waistline).

So to all pedestrian, please be ALERT and SENSITIVE to your surrounding. I don’t want this to happen to anybody, honestly, I was emotionally disturbed for a while, like having phobic going to work, the incident which keeps repeating in my head. Please DO NOT regards this lightly, as the scenario can get worst. Therefore, I’ve summarised for you the following precautionary steps to minimise the risk of being (TOUCH WOOD again) a snatch theft victim: -

1.try not walking alone in the alley, if no choice, always carry something (like long umbrella) for protection. Look around for easy exit in case of emergency;

2.DO bring ATM/credit card that you only use on that particular day. IF possible, try not to have them in your wallet at all during workday. IF you have no choice, JUST bring one each;

3. MAKE USE of your pocket and put all big notes and IC in them. Carry small notes and few coins that’s sufficient for day use;

4. IF you are not driving, PLEASE LEAVE your driving licence at HOME (note: the compound for losing your licence for first time is RM20, followed by RM40 and etc, as for NRIC if you already a mykad holder, the first compound is RM40, 2nd time, RM60 and etc.);

5. DO NOT carry your bag side way around your neck or carry a bag pack around both shoulder;

6. IF your mobile phone have security code feature to protect the phone itself, PLEASE ACTIVATE NOW (my model has this feature) cos it will bar unidentified SIM card;

7. DO NOT attempt to resist the snatch. JUST LET go cos SAFETY is the first priority;

8. DO NOT panic and try to seek help from public or go to nearest shop for assistance;

9. IF you are a prepaid user, find out how you can bar your SIM card if it’s lost or stolen. PLEASE DO SO NOW if you have not done so.

I’ve paid close to RM100 plus of compounds and replacement fees for my credit cards, ATM, IC and license. Just be cautious and careful. Thanks for taking time to read this long message.

Dear all, I would also appreciate if you can send me SMS to my previous mobile number with your name so I can save it in my new SIM card.

Regards and have a NICE day!!

Wai Ye

P/S: Please do not hesitate to forward this message to your friends and family members.


Backup comments said…
Thanks Gina for sharing my experience with the rest of the blog readers.I hope the info is helpful to others. I’m OK now . Getting my new skin. Sometimes, the sound of the motorbikes irritates me and the incident on that faithful day starts playing on my mind. Yet life goes on and by overcoming my fear, I went back to the alley where it happened BUT this time I walked in group (with my colleague, at least 3 of us), I’m more alert of my surroundings, I carry a long solid umbrella (not too late to do so, turst me it’ll come handy, please carry one if you’re walking) and I also keep tab of oncoming vehicles…
Wai Ye | 06.17.04 – 6:03 pm | #

It always take something worst happened to make the people notice. In this case, it is death. Snatch thieves have been prying around for years. I had seen it twice right in front of my eyes at the area that I live. In fact, I’m really amazed with their skill to snatch the handbags from a moving object without even have to slow down their bike. I remember calling the police with my very broken bahasa to ask for more patrol. I was deeply disappointed with their reply, which sound something as below:

” Kami sudah tambah patrol. Apa yang boleh kami buat ? Ini bukan hanya berlaku di tempat awak. Perempuan dinasihat jangan simpan wang, IC, ATM Card dalam bag mereka”

And with my broken bahasa , I said ” tapi mereka juga jatuh mah. Sakit. Bagaimana?”

And the police that I spoke to, got very aggigated with my question as if she ( yup, a police woman) tak sabar to hang up.
Anzhen | 06.18.04 – 7:57 pm | #

I agree, Anzhen. Malaysians are reactive. Only react when things are at their worst. Like Canny Ong’s death, only leads to CCTV in parking lot.
Gina | 06.19.04 – 1:38 am | #

i cut n pasted wai ye’s letter in the discussion groups that i’m in, coz i know a lot of the girls there park their cars and walk to the clubs.. increasing the risk..

hope u guys don’t mind ya.
ryuu | Homepage | 06.21.04 – 2:37 pm | #

Feel free to do that Dude! We dont want to be labelled as having “tidak apa” attitude. It is the POLICE that have this attitude.
Gina | 06.21.04 – 11:23 pm | #

Ryuu, feel free to do so and THANKS for doing so At least this way we are able to create greater awareness among people of such cases…

Yeah Anzhen, sometimes is very disheartening to hear their lame reply to our plight. The best advise they can give is “berhati-hati lah lain kali, nak buat macam mane”.

The sergeant I’ve met on that day confessed to me that the reason for their underforce is partly due to their low income and the government is not flexible enough to change the entry requirement. I’ve even suggested to him that they should make it compulsory for all school leaver to do national service…and he smiled..and I’ve further discovered from him that no matter what position/ranking they are, they’re helpless to do anything or go against their own ‘family’…
Wai Ye | 06.22.04 – 4:37 pm | #

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