Pretty Ladies

I gave these Matryoshka to my fellow colleagues on the last day of my work here with Mae.

It has been a great two months. Never even felt like you are working! I will be going back to the slaughter house (“corporate sector”) next Monday. *sob*

I have been searching high and low for these Russian dolls since I spotted it in my friend’s house. She told me that it was a gift from a friend who was doing medicine in Russia. I was so intrigued by these dolls and pester the pilot boy to get it for me since then. It was like… 6 years ago?

One fine day, when I was helping out Larissa in PWTC for some seminars, during lunch, I went to the Mall for some shopping.

I went to this shop which sells cheap things from China. Can you believe it that two flat combs selling at only RM0.50? I was making my rounds of window shopping and then stumbled upon these dolls. I was so thrilled when I saw them and was tempted to sweep all of them in my shopping basket.

It is amazing to find such little ingenuity had made the Russians famous.

Click here to read more!

They come in fives!!


Backup comments said…
i used to have these… they look kinda freaky isn’t it..?
kev | Homepage | 06.01.04 – 2:42 pm | #

gina…do u collect macdonald’s toys…i only have 2 collection…i have the bears cos i love bears and sonic playgames…hehehe…
phoenix | 06.01.04 – 7:17 pm | #

Apa freaky, Kev? I love them! Hehe.

Phoenix – Yes! I have the whole set of the small teddy. And for the last pair, I had to struggled with people in 4 Mc Donald’s before I could get 6 sets and sold them for a profit. Guess what? On the same night, I saw a whole box of these teddies in some pasar malam in Sri Rampai selling at RM5 only per pay. Boy.. was I pissed. From that day onwards, I swore never ever collect anything.. again, especially from Mc Donald’s.
Gina | Homepage | 06.01.04 – 8:12 pm | #

gina….i jus only have this 2 sets from macdonalds becos my money is limited….u know we are forced to eat macdonalds even tho is not healthy food just to get they toys…hehehe…
phoenix | 06.01.04 – 9:50 pm | #

Phoenix, I was lucky that I don’t really need to eat much of those junkies but still managed to collect all of them…tips: politely asked the person standing in front to help me buy (esp. if they’re man since they dont’t collect these items). I’ve even managed to buy for my two sisters!

Gina thanks for posting the website on Matryoshka, it’s very knowledgeable. My father collected a set of them which comes in five…guess that’s the only pair he had. It’s actually very cute esp. when you opened them up and you found them in diff sizes. I like the smallest one…hehehe
Wai Ye | 06.02.04 – 3:09 pm | #

You are most welcomed, WY.
Gina | Homepage | 06.02.04 – 5:47 pm | #

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