Thanks to those who showed so much interest in my first day back to the corporate world. I received loads and loads of sms to wish me good luck and asking me how did it go. I know all of you wanted to make sure I don't screw up this time. Haha. Hey.. mind you. I am not a bad worker. Just that I can't tolerate incompetent superiors. Yes - I am a lousy ass kisser. I always give my (ex)bosses a piece of my mind whenever she/he screwed up. Come to think of it, this only happened with lady bosses (especially those without a good shag at home).

So, here it is, an excerpt of an e-mail to a good friend about my first day at work.


got my lap top back. my brother knows i cant survive without the internet these days.

new working place.. well, not so new after all. all things like "lat tau lat kuat". (Cantonese for everything is not properly working) imagine.. this company has been in existence since 1963.. so you imagine all the office equipments and facility. very "jia lat" (terrible?)my pc monitor only 15 inch.. very very old PC. We are still using Windows 95!!!

some more, the printer, my colleague spoilt it on my first day of work, made it looked like as if it was my fault. she accidently broke the cover of the printer when trying to get out jammed paper. (i caused the jam for overly use it) hahaha.. only print 5 pages.. jam.. then 5 pages.. jam.. aiyoh.. but she is okay lah. didnt blame me or anything.

so, we had to put a keyboard (the very very old version which weighs like 5 tonnes) on top of the printer to make sure it is tightly closed so that it can be used.. sigh. we only get e-mails there. no internet to blog. sigh.

however, my colleagues are generally okay, esp my immediate superior. she is only 3 years older and i can feel that we clicked since the day i went for interview. hehe. also, my other colleague, is like a 40++ year old lady.. but she is okay. her name is Felicity. It is hard when you have a 4 syllabus name. I ended up calling her Felicia at times.. my cousin said.. What? Electricity? Facility? When I told her my colleague's name. She is REALLY nice. But she is a Spinster.

everybody there talked real soft. it was like.. whispering.. sometimes i cannot "tahan"(stand) and i wanted to shout at them and say, "Why the F*ck are you guys whispering??" I am naturally loud.. So, this is a good environment to work in.. coz I can learn how to talk softly like a lady. hehehhe.

havent met my BIG BIG boss yet - the CFO and also the MD. The MD is always in office, but since I was already busy on the first day itself at work.. today i got home at 8 pm.. I was not formally introduced to them as yet. CFO is on leave.

one funny thing about working in a corporate office is.. they are very "kan cheong" (panicky) over the smallest things. For me.. this is all "sub sub water" (easy job).

ok lah.. i think this is so much i can tell you.. today is only my second day. amazingly, i havent got myself into trouble. i hope i can keep my mouth shut this time.

will give you my company e-mail when time is right. coz dont want to create so much problems first month at work - personal e-mails. I saw a colleague ogling at some porn pics just now!! totally no privacy lah there.


Backup comments said…
Gina, just hang in there as long as you can…not too bad least got PC to use… I’m sure they’ll upgrade their system soon…cheers to new job!
Wai Ye | 06.10.04 – 5:52 pm | #

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