Weight management is serious business. So serious till I spent about RM750/- alone this month to make sure I managed my weight. (RM500+ for gym joining fee and RM200+ for gym gear)

A visit to the doc last week, ended up with a warning: YOU MUST EXERCISE.

I had signed up at the fitness club near my work place and swore to work my fat ass off. I weigh a staggering 15 kgs … on the moon. If you had paid enough attention in Science Class when you were back in school, you will know how much I weigh. This is a very abnormal weight for a 28 year old female. What is normal anyway? Models towering at 6 feet think 47kgs are way too fat for them. Okay, so I admit. I am in the danger zone of obesity. I am not a model, but I don’t want to be so darn fat either. If I keep on eating the way I am eating for 20 years of my life, in no time, I think I won’t be able to fit in my Kenari any longer. ( I love that car!). I might need a crane to get me out of the house to the hospital for daily liposuction. Hehe.

So, here I am, pledging to lose the weight I accumulated over 20 years. Imagine 20 years of changed habit, no more fattening food in the morning, no more supper late at night, no more being a couch potato after a long tiring day at work, no more sedentary life, no more large coke in cinema..

I used to swim every morning when I was back in college. 5 times a week. I was tanned and athletic then. I was a lean machine. Ahem! And I was a brief vegetarian then.

When I started to work, and join the zombie work force, I had no time to exercise. My weight escalated like a bullish market. Blame it on the irresistible savoury nasi lemak every morning with superbly textured sambal. I have a passion for oily and spicy stuff.

I hope I can set a good example to horizontally challenged people out there. There is still hope. It is not for the sake of what others perceive about us, it is for the betterment of our own well being. Let's not be contributors to the private hospitals (heartless bastards) having heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, etc. We be healthy and make sure when we die, we could use standard sized coffin and don't need a tailor made one. (I know this sounded rather extreme, but I am not that HUGE! But if I don't do something about it NOW, there is always a possibility!)


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