Sugar asked me why I seldom wear t shirts to office on Fridays, since it is a dress-down Friday.

Coincidentally, I had with me, a t shirt, Ann helped me to get:-

Sugar strongly disapproved such mild t-shirt and said it is inappropriate. I wonder what she would say about the rest... too bad I had discarded my old t-shirt with, "Stupid Dumshit Godamn Motherfucker" printed at the back of the shirt, and a giant green monster in front of the shirt, holding a gun.
And another favorite shirt - with Kurt Cobain's child potrait, which said at the back of the shirt, "The Sun is Gone, I have a Light" - which I had unceremoniously vomitted buckets on during one of my booze parties, and rendered it unwearable anymore...

I have an obsession about such t shirts and they don't come cheap!
Here are some of the shirts I have now, which I guess, my mild mannered "sua goo" colleagues would not have the chance to see me wearing.
Here are some of the shirts I have now, which I guess, my mild mannered "sua goo" colleagues would not have the chance to see me wearing.

VJ | 08.18.05 – 6:53 pm | #
The Malaysian rubber thingy was the best. Where did you get that?
jason | 08.18.05 – 8:25 pm | #
VJ: I didn’t sense any condescending tone in that sincere compliment. He he. Some people hate me for being way too cool.
Jason: You can get it in Melaka – Orang Utan’s house by Charles Cham.
Gina | Homepage | 08.18.05 – 9:41 pm | #
was just about to say that the malaysian rubber thing can be gotten at malacca
ryuu | Homepage | 08.19.05 – 4:50 am | #
damn! you got some cool t-shirts!
i’m still looking for the shirt with the 2 arrows pointing downwards front and back with ‘suck this’ in the front and ‘kiss this’ at the back.
yuin | 08.19.05 – 7:42 pm | #
Ryuu: You are also an Orang Utan fan? He he. I have 6 shirts from the same place.
Yuin: There is one which says – Don’t bite. SUCK. and also, one – Sex Slave. These two shirts would be in the list of my next purchase.
Gina | Homepage | 08.20.05 – 12:31 am | #
Hah! I’ve got a B&W version of the play safe t-shirt – Charlie Cham does some pretty funky art, huh?
tiger | Homepage | 08.26.05 – 3:22 pm | #