Old bad habits die hard.

I just cannot stop teasing/stroking my ear lobes with my fingers, especially the left ear lobe. This annoying habit of mine was cultivated way back when I was still a little girl.

I do it almost everyday – whether conscious or sub-consciously. I touched my ear lobes while driving, when I am thinking hard, while watching tv, reading a book, or having nothing to do, etc. And the strokes would go more intense if I am worried sick. Heck, I even touch my ear lobes while typing this.

It got really embarrassing when someone noticed. While I was back in school, I would be doing it while in the lab. My classmates who sat behind me, would laugh and tried to imitate me; asking me what was the fun of doing so. This action was even caught on a video when I went for a survival camp stint back in college. There I was; fiddling my ear lobes intensely, while watching anxiously at the others clinging onto their dear lives, trying out the flying fox.

There isn’t any explanation as I don’t understand this myself. But it felt somewhat good.

My fei chai trip comrades also noticed this bad habit. At first, they thought I was perpetually on the phone, but didn’t see me talking.

When I was little, it was worse as I would tease ear lobes of others - my sister and my brother, or anyone near me in fact, before falling asleep. This bad habit had annoyed the shit out of them that they asked me to tease my own ear lobes. From that day onwards, I had to stroke myself – the ear lobe that is.

WY thinks I am just being flirtatious for doing so. In body language context, the act of touching of any parts of the face or hair while talking to the opposite sex is considered as flirting. I hope I didn’t send any unnecessary signals to anyone.


Backup comments said…
i touch myself too!!

err.. wait… that doesn’t sound right.. hmmmm
ryuu | Homepage | 08.10.05 – 1:39 am | #
ryuu | Homepage | 08.10.05 – 1:39 am | #

I do tht a lot too when I had piercings. I’d push my fingers into my lobes and turn it around and disgust everybody in a hundered meters.
kirksman | Homepage | 08.10.05 – 1:52 am | #

Someone I know ALWAYS digs his nose while driving. Another one always digs her nose while using her computer.
fishtail | Homepage | 08.10.05 – 2:21 am | #

i think this gotta do with genetic coz mom does that too..

anyhow, it’s still better than digging ur nose..yucks…
San | 08.10.05 – 12:10 pm | #

your bad habit not so bad wat. better than digging nose i think.
i used to bite my fingers, it was so bad that i bit till it bled.
yuin | 08.10.05 – 5:26 pm | #

Hmm.. how come I never noticed you doing that?

I guess I should be relieved because that means you ain’t sending me any flirtatious signals. :P
Kat | Homepage | 08.10.05 – 10:11 pm | #
Backup comments said…
Hehehe… Ryuu. It’s normal to touch yourself. If you don’t, then something is very wrong.

kirksman: That is why I don’t pierce my ear lobes. At least not so disgusting if I tease my ear lobes that way. Heheh.

fishtail & San: Yes. Thank God I only tease my ears and not dig my nose..

yuin: I also had a friend who bit her finger nails till they bled.. she has the ugliest nails in the world.

kat: Hahahahah. No worries, I only flirt with men.
Gina | Homepage | 08.10.05 – 10:52 pm | #

Don’t worry, you’ll grow out of it. I was told that when I was a liitle kid, I used to play with my dicky. I’m still convinced that I’ll outgrow that one day.
viewtru | Homepage | 08.11.05 – 11:47 pm | #

must be in the genes. while u love stroking earlobes, both san and me likes stroking corners of pillows, collars, shorts….anything pointed. haha
bro | 08.12.05 – 1:15 am | #

viewtru: Yes.. that one day will come.. that is when your little dicky fall off. Hahahah.

Bro: Anything pointed? That sounds darn obscene.
Gina | Homepage | 08.12.05 – 1:22 am | #

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