Cherry, The Dog

I finally found someone ideal to take care of Cherry: my aunt who lives 5-minutes drive away from my house. It was love at first sight. Now I can sleep in peace, do not need to be on constant guard - to worry that Cherry might be tortured by the two monsters. (The two trolls my mom is babysitting).

Cherry has found a new friend too, Whiskey. A poodle.

New Friend of Cherry's – Whiskey


I am joining Body Jam, Body Step and Body Combat classes now. Not regularly though.

CK joined my gym too. He is now my new official gym buddy as Wang Loi, decided to put her membership on hold for three months due to her workload.

I am putting on weight – not a good sign. I have been on eating frenzy for the past two months. A physical instructor said, I should consider weight lifting now to build some muscles.

Supper Gang

The Monk said, I have jumped into conclusion (what else is new?) to put a blame on Curly for all the mess-up. Well, we kissed and made up (figuratively means – we are buddies again). There are going to be some suppers in the future – the original four, without Curly.

BarFly Guys

Chris, Sam (the Chindian), Bee Stung Lips and CK are officially known as the Barfly guys.

The guys would remain the same, while there will be a rotation of girls joining them.

I know this sounded kinda sleazy (and probably kinky) but, I just can’t comprehend the sudden attention that I am getting. My girlfriends whom I haven’t seen/ heard from in years, started to call me for the past two weeks, and decided to join me in the clubbing scene. They read my blog?

So far, I think I have brought about 10 new girls to ritual Friday BarFly outing.


Everything is pretty mediocre. I like it this way. I am getting complacent.

The Stalker

No wonder I haven’t received stupid sms-es for the past two weeks. The stalker was in Singapore. Now he is back.. with a vengeance.

Dennis a.k.a. Yabba, told me to directly request him to get out of my life forever, instead of giving him the usual excuse of being in the gym, without losing much weight.

My car

Godamnit. @#$%^&*

I have to change two tyres today coz they are swollen…. AGAIN. Once, a flat on the way to office, and once, coming home from Perhentian Island.

The Monk: You have to mind your weight.. probably..

This is the 3rd and 4th tyres I have changed this year. SIME tyres – Buatan Malaysia, menjelajah dunia. (Malay: Made in Malaysia, Exploring the World). Ptooooi! (Malaysian: Spit). If the tyres can’t even bloody survive the pot holes and bumps on the Malaysian roads, imagine surviving on snow, heat, desert etc.

I decided to use Bridgestone instead.

Costs: RM300/- for two 14 inch tyres.


I bought 4 pairs of shoes this month alone…

Geez.. and they are all of the same colors – black and beige.

Gina and her boring shoes


Backup comments said…
What do you mean when u say you wear your shoes out? The soles loses its traction grip or something?
Anon | 11.28.04 – 6:02 pm | #

what, losing traction!!!, (hehehe)…

last time i heard that word was during F1 Suzuka. u cant be that heavy :P :-?

test ,6:40 pm / 28-11-04
VJ | 11.28.04 – 6:39 pm | #
Backup comments said…
Resurrected: The car comes with Sime tyres. Can’t help it. I thought Dunlop and Sime are sort of like sister’s company – no?

Anon: Uhm, the shoe soles would just fall off. I tend to wear a pair of shoes everyday till it got worn out.

VJ: Believe me, I am THAT heavy.. I think that causes the shoes to spoil after two months. I tend to drag my feet when I walk.
Gina | Homepage | 11.28.04 – 10:00 pm | #

They are but the tyres are different. The tyres I recommended all come from the same group. ST is budget tyre, hence the quality
Resurrected | Homepage | 11.29.04 – 7:12 am | #

i think dragging feet while walking is a bad habit, no?
ryuu | Homepage | 11.29.04 – 11:57 am | #

i have one pair of shoes! that’s pathetic. uh oh – i better update my blog
ryuu | Homepage | 11.29.04 – 11:58 am | #

wow, that is a lot of shoes la. i personally have three working shoes and i think it should be good enough. you should get michelin tyres. although they are expensive, i think it is worth it. my bro was having problems with his tyres few months back and i think he settled for michelin.
victoria | 11.29.04 – 4:04 pm | #

Hooray for Cherry & Whiskey to have found each other !
Paul | 11.29.04 – 4:44 pm | #
Backup comments said…
Waaaa… and I thought I have a lot of shoes. :P P
Kat | Homepage | 11.29.04 – 8:43 pm | #

Resurrected: Sodasne? I see.

Ryuu: One pair is good enough if you don’t drag your feet.

Vic: Yeah – I just don’t know what possess me to buy so many shoes? Carrie Bradshaw? Michelin is way too expensive for a Kenari!

Paul: Beats us to it eh, Paul? Hehehe

Kat: So.. I will be the one old woman who lives in her shoes instead??
Gina | Homepage | 12.01.04 – 8:07 pm | #

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