Yesterday, after a long absence, my gym buddy, Wang Loi decided to show up. I persuaded her to go for classes instead of the mediocre cardio-machines.

When we were doing the final stretches on the steps in Body Step Beginner Class, she went off-balance and had to lean on the wall to regain her composure. I giggled and dismissed it as having two left feet.

I didn’t know she actually saw stars and blacked out for a few mere seconds. I was too busy monitoring my own steps and stretches.

The instructor told her to go out for some fresh air.

When I went out to check on her after class, her face was as pale as ghost's. I was worried shitless.

I think everyone has a silent killer in their bodies. Hypertension is one of them. My doctor once told me that I am lucky enough to have symptoms like headaches and dizziness to tell me there is something wrong with me. Some people are not that lucky.

This friend I know in the USA, was happily chatting with her friends over a cup of tea when she fell flat on her face due to blockage of arteries. The irony is, she is a nurse. It was a lucky thing that she blacked out while being with her friends. Imagine fainting in her house, where she stays alone. Probably her neighbors would find out only when there is a stench of decomposing body from her house.

I urge everyone to take medical check ups on regular basis. Living a healthy lifestyle, eat moderately (Healthy does not mean living on leaves, fruits and taufoo alone!), don’t smoke too much (if can, quit), don’t drink too much (if can, quit), sleep well, etc.

Sigh. I think I have to forgo my booze party this Sunday.


Backup comments said…
“don’t drink too much (if can, quit)”

Yeah Gina…..YEAH RITE!!!
Ann | 10.21.04 – 1:07 am | #

hhmm.. good advice. it does happen though sometimes to poeple who haven’t been doing any exercise for a long time. it’s best to gradually get back into the groove

Cheers!!! :D
hyelbaine | Homepage | 10.21.04 – 11:36 am | #

Live a little! Moderation is the keyword.
mdmafia | Homepage | 10.21.04 – 1:16 pm | #

after reading your PD post… me thinks this is a case of do as i say not as i do?
CC | 10.21.04 – 4:21 pm | #

Quit drinking? haha . . very funny. Life is . . oh, don’t forgo the booze party, just don’t go overboard lar . .
Paul | Homepage | 10.21.04 – 8:04 pm | #

Yeap. Moderation, moderation, moderation. This Sunday booze party is on. Before that, we would go for BKT first. (Bak Kut Teh)
Gina | Homepage | 10.21.04 – 11:10 pm | #
Backup comments said…
If you can’t quit keep everything balanced. Want a drink, go get a mile of jogging, at least that’ll reduce the effect of sclerosis I don’t touch the drink nor do I smoke but when it comes to the stomach, can’t help, too much fatty and sugary food hehe, got to cut down.
kervin chong | Homepage | 10.22.04 – 12:18 pm | #

eh booze party kat mana?

and why sunday? monday gotta work leh… -__-;
ryuu | 10.22.04 – 2:10 pm | #

Ryuu: Gina and her booze party gang took leave on Monday!!! They don’t need to work ler…
Ann | 10.22.04 – 2:24 pm | #


so ka
ryuu | 10.22.04 – 4:07 pm | #

Ryuu: Golden City Apartment, next to Dynasty Hotel. Feel free to drop by. Or e-mail me your number.
Gina | Homepage | 10.23.04 – 1:13 am | #

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