I bumped into an ex colleague, Petite Sharon ( I have a few Sharons on my phone list) while wandering aimlessly in KLCC late evening yesterday…waiting for CK and WY for dinner.

Then, over a cuppa of raspberry frappuccino in Starbucks… (they no longer have strawberries and cream frappuccino- sigh!)

Petite Sharon: You mingle around with so many types of friends. It is amazing! So colorful!

Self: ….. I haven’t completed my collection of friends yet. I do not have gay friends. Only lesbians and bisexuals. Do you know any gay friends?

Petite Sharon: Not that I know of…..

There are many types of friends in our lives. They can be best friends, good friends, soulmates, fair weathered friends, hi-bye friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners in crime, movie friends, mamak friends, shopping friends, complaint booth friends, consultant friends, a shoulder-to-cry-on friends, gossip friends, bad-mouthing friends, wolf-in-sheep-clothing friends, book club friends, fishing friends, traveling friends, reward hunting friends, freebies friends, connection friends, dog lover friends, booze party friends, cheapo friends, f*ck buddies, and the list goes on.

Yesterday night, I didn’t feel like clubbing (actually, clubbing is not my cup of tea) at Zouk, (yeah – not BarFly), not because of bad experience in the rain, just that feeling a bit depressed after being left out for supper gang ritual Friday for the 5th time in a row. I think it is because Mr Curly decided to isolate me after I refused to be his scapegoat in signing some documents, which might send me to do time in prison if all hell break loose. I was furious.

For about a year, I was happily renewing my bond (more like male bonding) with the Monk and gang after a few years of absence, Mr Curly came crashing in our little gang without invitation; irking me, delighting the Monk, (coz he wanted to see some drama deriving out of this – he is one sick monk), and as usual, the Demented Duo has no comment.

Oh well… life goes on. The supper gang is now defunct.

Back to type of friends…here is the compilation list of friends that I’ve encountered:

The Connector
Friend(s) identified: Self, CK, James (used to be)
Those who connects people. Those who keeps bumping into friends on the streets. Love parties. Someone who could bring people together. Whose mobile phones cannot stop ringing on weekends.

The Entertainer
Friend(s) identified: Self, James, CK, Petite Sharon, Shien
Quick witted, sharp tongue, and not afraid to make a fool out of themselves.

The Complaint Booth
Friend(s) identified: Ann, WY, YY, Mae
This kind of friends would just listen to your complaints without.. complaining.

The Partners-in-Crime
Friend(s) identified: Ann, WY, YY
Those that stick to their guns to protect or support you even if you did something stupid or something unforgiving and sometimes help you take the blame.

The Aunt Agony (Consultant)
Friend(s) identified: Self, Ann, WY, YCF, Wang Loi, the Monk (Uncle Agony)
Those who would lend a listening ear, gives some advice (either good or tak boleh pakai), and yet let you have your own way of decision making.

The Movie Freak
Friend(s) identified: Self, Tan, Dennis, Jess, James, Mae
Those who watches every damn movie in the cinema with you. Or has the entire collection of DVDs with a tracking list to boot (James)

The Shopaholic
Friend(s) identified: YCF, Wang Loi, WY
Those who shop till drop and make sure you don’t leave the mall without shopping bags.

The Critic
Friend(s) identified: Self, Petite Sharon, Wise friend
Those who are not afraid to give you a piece of their mind, considering I can’t take criticism, even if they are constructive ones.

The Gossiper
Friend(s) identified: Everybody gossips!
Need I explain??

The Freebie
Friend(s) identified: WY, Paul
It’s amazing that these people have all the time in the world to participate in public contests (radio, magazines, etc) and get free stuffs. The best part is, you get to indulge in their generosity as well.

The Follower
Friend(s) identified: WY, YY, Shien
Those who follow you everywhere you go – booze parties, traveling, movies, etc.

P/S Sam is not a follower, he is a stalker.

The Book Clubber/ The DVD Lender
Friend(s) identified: Kat, James
Those who swap books/DVDs or better still, give you books/DVDs for free.

The Traveler
Friend(s) identified: WY, Dimples, #marquis gang
Those who would just pick up their bags within one phone call, thick skinned enough to haggle with the tour agents for cheaper bargains.

The Frivolous (aka Talk-Cock only)
Friend(s) identified: Supper Gang, Ann, Vic, Paul
Talk cock friends.

The Hi-Bye
Friend(s) identified: Bee Stung Lips, Chris, Sam (the Chindian) and Peter
Those you met in the bar, pubs, people who pick you up to weddings. Tendency to evolve into friendships of all kinds (hopefully into the type below? - Wishful thinking)

The F*cker
Friend(s) identified: Still searching.

P/S I took Cherry home yesterday afternoon. While waiting for suitable owners to take her in. One problem though. She needs to be fed manually as she lost some of the teeth in a surgery.

Will the Real Shih Tzu, Please Stand Up?


Backup comments said…
Aren’t you lucky? You don’t have the ‘Borrow Your Money’ friend. This type will want to borrow money each time he/she meets you.

The other type is the ‘Sell You Something’ friend. He/she will always want to sell you something, eg insurance, tupperware, health supplements, mutual funds…
fishtail | Homepage | 11.22.04 – 6:53 pm | #

VJ: I notice about the time thingy. It got upside down or something.

Hot hoochie momma is Sharon, a friend from Sitiawan. She is married with two kids yet still have the hottest body for a woman. hahahaha!

kay-el: I am the impromptu type. So far, one confirmed. The rest will tag along this Friday. Just have to wait and see.

CC: Yeah.. she is adorable..

fishtail: I didn’t mention that coz I don’t wanna bad mouthed people. Hhahahaha. Have a few of those. And also those who keep on feasting on your generousity. It’s kinda sad, really.
Gina | Homepage | 11.22.04 – 11:13 pm | #

So unfortunate that you have been left out by the Supper Gang…. never mind, you still have many friends
Toxic | 11.23.04 – 2:50 am | #

Don’t worry about that supper gang… got loads of friends.
Ann | 11.23.04 – 7:41 am | #

By the way, the dog is so cute!
Ann | 11.23.04 – 7:44 am | #

toxic: long time no see!

Ann: I just visited Cherry at the new place. She is so darn happy. I am too!
Gina | Homepage | 11.25.04 – 12:23 am | #

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