She Tastes Like Strawberries
Since a few months ago, I’ve been having uncontrollable cravings for strawberries. I am not pregnant (I ain’t no saint, can’t self fertilized). My biological clock is rebelling? Pre-menopause? I hope not.
I think I have tried all kind strawberries related food – Starbucks’ Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino, Strawberry Cake and Tartlets (A bakery in Kepong), McDonald’s Sundae Strawberry, Julie’s Strawberry Love Letters, Cornetto’s Strawberry Ice Cream, Anlene’s Strawberry yogurt, Strawberries dipped in melted brown sugar in a flea market in One Utama (my friend’s stall – get it for free), Strawberry jam.. etc. I know this makes me sound like Bubba in Forrest Gump, babbling the entire list of his mom’s menu on shrimps for a few days.
Perhaps, I can fulfill yet another craving for strawberries during this weekend party.
Serving suggestion:Someone told me strawberries are aphrodisiac. Hmmmph.
Half sliced fresh strawberries, top with whipped cream.
Served slowly on a warm body
one of my dream presents include receiving a whole box of juicy, plump, bloodred strawberries.
so much better than a necklace peh!
sarah | Homepage | 10.15.04 – 1:30 am | #
oooo… i like your serving suggestion
you know what you should try? strawberries dipped in chocolate! absolutely sinful. me thinks they have em here somewhere in klcc. a place called chocz or something of the sort.
CC | 10.15.04 – 10:23 am | #
Angelina jolie, hot! its only morning of the first day of fasting but after reading your post, my tummy’s already rumbling! :P
Cheers!!! :D
hyelbaine | Homepage | 10.15.04 – 11:46 am | #
There’s one kiosk at KLCC that sells strawberries dipped in chocolate coating. I can’t remember which, tho.
mdmafia | Homepage | 10.15.04 – 3:07 pm | #
Hi Gurlz,
What do you think Sarah, and the others too, if I would serve you with my penis dipped in chocolate; I think that would be very nice to lick and suck, woow. Who wants to be the first… Drop me an email and we can do it..but of course not at KLCC
Paris | 10.15.04 – 4:46 pm | #
Yes, girls. I saw a girl sucking on a big juicy strawberries covered with molten chocolate in KLCC. Will try that soon.
Baine: Ooops. Sorry. I’ve forgotten today is the first day of fasting month! Selamat berbuka puasa!
Paris: Your penis tastes like strawberries too?
Gina | Homepage | 10.16.04 – 2:49 am | #