I find witty men fascinating, even if they are butt ugly, broke or plain liars. Now you know why some ugly men are luckier than the good looking ones.

I am one of the statistics of women who would go for brains rather than brawn. I am a supporter of “Women are suckers for personality”.

Being not very active in the dating scene, nonetheless, I am lucky enough to have some interesting/weird dates to be remembered.

Date #1 Aged 31, Chinese, Process Engineer

Date #1: If you are my girlfriend, I can guarantee you a few things. One, my love for you would last for at least 5 years. Two, we will have sex 5 times a week, guarantee up to 10 years.

Couldn’t help it but I laughed like a hyena.

Date #1: If I have one wish, I wish that I am a woman. No need to work so hard and let men take care of me.

Self: You don’t want to be a woman. You’ll have PMS, period, getting pregnant, etc. If you want to be a woman, be a beautiful woman. Else, it would defeat all purpose.

Date #1: Very well then. I wish I am a beautiful woman without having menses.

Self: You mean a transvestite?

I laughed my ass off at most of our conversations. Unfortunately, he is based in Singapore. I don’t believe in long distance relationship.

Date #2 Ageless, (I think he is 60) Mixed parentage, unfortunately he inherited all the bad genes. Freelance photographer

Date #2: What do you usually like to drink?

(He always asks out of courtesy, but never buys me drinks)

Self: Usually gin or vodka.

Date #2: Why do you like only white spirits?

Self: Because I am a racist.

I don’t mind going Dutch on dates. I don’t mind paying for my date either, but not ALL THE TIME. I think instead of a freelance photographer, he is a FREE LUNCH photographer.

Date #3. Aged 30. Chinese. Sales – printing, contemplating to do Chinese medicine, in fact studying to be a Chinese Sin Seh

While watching “Dark Waters” – Japanese version

Date#3: Aiyoh…

*Shaking his head profusely*

Date #3: Sigh…..

*Shaking his head profusely*

Self: What? What’s the matter?

Date #3: I don’t get it lah. Why the ghost wanna get back to the lady? The lady didn’t do her any harm. I cannot relate the karmic effect here.

Self: It’s a movie lah, for Christ’s sake.

Date #3 is a staunch Buddhist and a long term vegetarian. Big Whopper is my staple diet.

Date #4. He claimed he is 30. He claimed to be a Chinese-African. He claimed he’s an engineer

Date #4: Blah blah …. Blah.. blah…

Self: You know a lot of business corporate stuffs for an engineer.

Date #4: Actually I have a confession to make. I am not an engineer. I am a lawyer.

Self: Why did you lie?

Date #4: I find most girls don’t like to go out with lawyers.

Self: You just gave me a reason not to go out with you anymore.

Date #4: See, I rest my case.

Self: You don’t look 30. You look much older than that.

Date #4: Actually.. I am 34.

Self: Wah, you cannot stop lying, can you?

Date #4: The only way to stop me from lying is to kiss me.

Self: Actually what are you? You don’t look Chinese to me. You look like a Baba.

Date #4: I am Chinese-African.

Self: HahhahahahHAHAHhahahahahha.

Date #4: You don’t believe me this time? Do you want me to show you my African anatomy? *Evil grin*

Lawyers rhyme with Liars. He is "delicious" for a short fling, though. *Grin*

Related Post:

Mating Game, Dating Protocol, the Man with a Pan


Backup comments said…
Hahaha, I like the lying lawyer. Now you know why they say all lawyers go to hell. They’re the devil’s advocate….go figure.
vynie | Homepage | 04.05.05 – 10:49 pm | #

Vynie: You heard of this joke? What does a lawyer and a sperm have in common? Out of a million, only one is human.
Gina | Homepage | 04.05.05 – 11:01 pm | #

Uh oh.. I’m going out with one lawyer-to-be. Help?!?
Kat | Homepage | 04.05.05 – 11:47 pm | #

by the way, what motivates you to go on dates?
VJ | 04.06.05 – 12:53 am | #

What…..no date no. 5?
viewtru | 04.06.05 – 12:07 pm | #
Backup comments said…
Benjamin Franklin : The trouble with law is lawyer. See peh jia lat! Bird of the same feathers flock together!
Tan Kien Boon | 04.06.05 – 6:42 pm | #

short fling?

african anatomy izzit
ryuu | 04.06.05 – 6:54 pm | #

Kat: Probably he is one in a million? A human? Hehehehe. Try him. See if he lies. If he lies, forgive him if he has a big *ahem*.

VJ: Interesting and intellectual conversation I cannot get from women.

viewtru: Wanna be no. 5? *wink* These are just some of the interesting people I dated. Not interesting ones, I didn’t put down lah.

TKB: Birds of the same feather? I ain’t lawyer leh. Do you mean I go to hell with them as well?

Ryuu: I don’t have to spell it out, right? *wink*
Gina | Homepage | 04.06.05 – 11:24 pm | #

Too funny!
Mark La Roi | Homepage | 04.07.05 – 12:30 pm | #

Never go out with Vegetarians who eat those fake meat products. Hehheh…
james | Homepage | 04.08.05 – 1:40 pm | #

Mark: This is the whole true scenario. Serious.

James: Yeah. Fake meat are for hypocrites. I don’t like hypocrites.
Gina | Homepage | 04.10.05 – 11:21 am | #

Woah didn’t know that lawyer wants to show his ‘pride’ to you… ahahhahaha. So is it all lies? Any of it you believe? Nevertheless, it’s hilarious…I mean your post…
Anonymous | 04.13.05 – 12:39 am | #

*Ahem* Whether or not, the lawyer showed me his pride, is for both of us to know. *Slutty grin*
Gina | Homepage | 04.13.05 – 12:54 am | #

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