I had a friend back in secondary school. She was quite an alright person if she didn’t start boasting. She was the laughing stock in school due to the size of her breasts. They are (still) damn huge. Hence, she was nicknamed Lai Ma.

After Form 5, we went on our separate ways. We didn’t really keep in touch, but occasionally, she would drop by your house and started talking non stop about how wonderful her life is. Since she likes to blow her own trumpet way too often, most friends avoided her like a plague.

A few weekends ago, after a few years of silence, she came to my house by surprise. Too late to use my old tricks of shoving my sister to the gate and lying to her that I was not in, I opened the gate for her. She was making eye contact with me and then looked at her Altis.

“Oh no.. not again,” I think to myself.

Letting her in my house was a big mistake. She suffocating me with her non-stop self praising propaganda – She now has a boyfriend who owns an antique shop, (She changes her bf all the time – from Aussie businessman to some cinapek from her college), drives an Altis, going overseas for holidays a few times a year, owns her own tuition centre, working as lecturer in some college, had been awarded the best lecturer by her students, planning to migrate to Australia for good (which I totally supported her for doing so), yiddi yiddi, yadda yadda, etc etc.

Don’t ask me what happen to the laser mouth of mine, which would definitely comes in handy in situation like this. I just left her went on and on and I tried hard to keep a straight face.

It was a lucky thing that I happened to receive many phone calls that day and that stopped her from continuing and left my house.

I was not jealous or whatsoever. In fact, I was very glad she is doing well. But why does she had to be so boastful and condescending? She might be boastful now - all these things are impermanent. They might be taken away from her someday. She should be thankful to God for all these and try to help others with her wealth and achievements, instead of bragging.

Everyone has his/her own life. Everyone sets different life standards, expectations and has different needs. We cannot be always setting our bench mark on someone elses’ achievements as we are all very individual and special people with different capabilities. I learnt these wise words from the Monk, who wrote in my autograph book back in 1993, which contained such profound advice:-

“Don’t always envy people who have good things. If God allows you to live in this world, it means, he is blessing you in this life. Sometimes, I find that you like to compare yourself with others. I don’t consider it wrong but I’ll advise you against it as it would only let you down. But you may make comparison of your old self and your present self, and you would be surprised to find - how wonderful you are.”

Not bad considering he was only 18 and I was only 17 at that point of time.

I used to compare a lot with others when I was younger and had subjected myself to a few miserable years of life. Thank goodness, I came to my senses - I decided to fuck it and as long as I enjoy my life - even if it means I might have to take bus, instead of driving a car; or maybe go on local holidays, rather than overseas, this is my life and it is not anyone else’s business. Despite lack of material wealth (actually I am just lousy in managing my finances), I guess I am content and happy with my supportive family and friends.

My thoughts inadvertently drifted to my suicidal friend. She, on the other hand, could not accept this. She always thought everyone is far better than her; drive better car, get better pay, possess better capabilities, have better family, boyfriends, beauty, etc. She cannot accept the fact that certain things cannot be changed and was consumed with so much envy. That is why she fell off the edge. May God bless her soul.

Be thankful for what we have. Learn to laugh at our own weaknesses, make the most of everything and try to look at the brighter side of life.

P.S. There is no intention to mock the flamboyant character of the very intelligent viewtru's 5 Star paper’s Lai Ma. The usage of the same name is purely coincidental.


Backup comments said…
if only more people were able to look at it like that, this would be a happier place. i’ve always thought that a lil envy takes you far, motivates you to be better and stuff. but if it gets in the way of living, you’re right. just fuck it. good post!
kimberlycun | Homepage | 09.28.05 – 1:29 am | #

so, is she (still) proud of her…boobies? does she boast about it?

u can be really crazy at times, and when it comes to serious stuff, u r really spot on….hehehe.
keatix | Homepage | 09.28.05 – 1:40 am | #

I always found your cynical post inspiring. A good one. I never am a strong person, so I would never really wanna make comparison with other powerful candidates. My motto: I am a slow walker, but I never walk back. Good enough for myself. Different people place different priorties in lives. The difference in choices doesn’t imply that it’s a weaker selection. Just, a different selection.

Aren’t we lucky that at least we all can live a different life? Every individual is an unique person, so, why shall we live like as if we are from a same mould? Dare to be different! heh.
greenapple | Homepage | 09.28.05 – 3:11 am | #
Backup comments said…
I agree with monk’s advice.
Ann | 09.28.05 – 9:22 am | #

i hear you Gina!really adore u la..bagus lah u
izzy | 09.28.05 – 10:39 am | #

Sharizal Sharaani | Homepage | 09.28.05 – 10:40 am | #

good blog gina. i think everyone should just give thanks to god everyday for the blessings that he gives us no matter how small. god knows what is good for us and he never makes us endure more than we can manage. i am very sorry for your friend but i wish she gave life a chance no matter how bad things are.
victoria | 09.28.05 – 3:29 pm | #
Backup comments said…
We should be satisfied for all that was given to us and pray that we will live a fulfilling live worthy for our family and not dwell on material gains, afterall, one can lose it all tomorrow.

I think, of all that boasting and what not…there could be a weakness of some sort, maybe fear of under achievement, unfulfilled live? Well, you’ll never know….hehe. Btw, are you a Christian?
cameljoe | Homepage | 09.28.05 – 4:32 pm | #

Gravatar different people have different ways of dealing with what they have and don’t have. but I’m glad you’re one of those that can accept themsleves for the things they are blessed with.

p/s: you should hve ask ur sister or somebody to scratch a 10cent coin across her altis while she was in your house…. :P
yuin | Homepage | 09.28.05 – 4:38 pm | #

Gravatar you gave us a smile today , a big one
VJ | 09.28.05 – 7:54 pm | #

Gravatar Something is very wrong in her life. You normally don’t go to people’s house after a few years of silence. For some reason, she must be looking for confirmation of her self-worth. That could mean that she’s experiencing a very deep disatisfaction recently. Don’t envy her.
viewtru | 09.29.05 – 12:27 am | #

Gravatar Kim: If only! We only live once.. so live it the way we want.

keatix: She doesn’t need to flaunt her boobs.. already doing it effortlessly. Hehe. I am quite an extremist. Serious one moment, crazy another..

Emma: Even twins are different!

Ann: The monk is always good.

izzy: Not everything I say, you have to agree ok, izzy? Have to have pendirian sendiri!


victoria: Yes, we have to thank God everyday for every little things. Thanks for your condolences.

cameljoe: I am a backslided Christian. .. but I still go to church.. maybe 10x a year.

Yuin: Aiseh… why I never thought of that? He he.

VJ: Just remember we are all worthy.

viewtru: Well, I have weird friends. I don’t envy her! Puh lease!! I wouldn’t trade my boobs for hers and my kenari for her altis. I love my life the way it is! I am a simple woman with simple needs. Heh. I know.. you have heard that far too many times already!
Gina | Homepage | 09.29.05 – 1:30 am | #

Big boobs wor…
james | Homepage | 09.30.05 – 9:41 am | #

You can keep the boobs, James. Ha ha ha.
Gina | Homepage | 09.30.05 – 7:12 pm | #

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