I went to my ex office again in Jalan Ipoh, where I was mugged by the Indian girl.

Much to my astonishment, my manager (ex), Ms Tambi was also given the same mugging trauma a few weeks before me!

This Indian girl, or little rascal (I would prefer) went up to the designated parking lot and waited patiently for her victims. (Wasted my brain cells to worry unnecessarily about her the other day!!)

Ms Tambi worked late that night, like any other nights. While she was walking towards her car, she saw the little rascal running towards her. She quickly went to her car (Big mistake!). When she was about to lock her car, this little rascal was swifter than Ms Tambi. She actually opened the passenger door and sat beside the unsuspecting Ms Tambi!

Ms Tambi was in unspeakable shock. Little rascal then demanded for RM10 (as opposed to extorting RM2 from me) in order for her to leave the car. This little rascal’s parents must have trained her well to have pulled this kinda stunt!

Good thing was, Ms Tambi regained her poise despite the little rascal’s heart-stopping stunt, and casually handed her RM1.

(This is a re-construction of the scene based on Ms Tambi's description)

Little Rascal: Tolong lah, aunty. Bagi saya RM10. Adik mahu minum susu.

Ms Tambi: Ambil ini RM1.

Little Rascal: RM10. Tak cukup untuk beli susu lah.

Ms Tambi: Kalau tak mau, RM1 pun I tak nak bagi.

Little Rascal: RM10!

Ms Tambi: Take it or leave it!

Little Rascal: ……

Then she took the RM1 and left.

Ms Tambi quickly locked the car door and thanked God that Little Rascal is not a man.

Moral of the story is: There is indeed a wolf in sheep clothing.


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