For the past few days, I had been spending time with an ex colleague of mine, Cili Padi, yakking just about anything under the sun. Apart from bitching the usual stuffs about work, the two of us lamented over the fact that we lack of dates. Both of us seem to have the same taste in men – age, looks, what wheels the men drive, etc don’t matter, we are prone in dating non-Chinese or half Chinese, men with incredible wit, and most men we are seriously interested in are usually taken. Just too bad.
Cili Padi complained about men she dated, telling her – the right person always comes at the wrong time. Whereas for me, the men I dated, used to tell me – the right person always comes in the wrong size.
It has been sometime since I last dated. Most of my dates come from the internet. In fact, I met most of my good friends online – James, Kat, Pilot Boy, Ed, just to name a few.
Well, going out with Ed does not count for obvious reason. Sekinchan Boy doesn’t count either because he thinks I am a man and I think of him otherwise. The Monk and I slept on the same bed and yet nothing happened, except both of us snored till morning and he had to fart while sleeping. Takeshi, well, we are merely BKT connoisseurs and he calls me “dude”.
I kinda miss the good old days when I dated ferociously. Call me promiscuous or whatever – I used to date 7 men in a year.
So, where have the good cowboys gone?
I am not particular about looks coz I am not a looker myself. God made my mother pretty – unfortunately, all her genes are recessive. The only nice thing I inherited from my mother is probably half of her million-dollar smile.
I am okay to date a man as long as he takes care of his personal hygiene. Before your mind starts to run wild on possible bedroom romps, let me give you an example.
I once went out with a guy whose eyes were so red and watery. Shit kept on oozing out from his eyes, while we were having tom yam. As he was talking to me, he kept on rubbing his eyes, and then wiped it on his shirt. I tried to remain optimistic but his eyes were uncooperative. He blamed it on lack of sleep. The scene from Ally McBeal disgusted over the lack of table manners of her date kept playing in my mind that instant.
At the end of the day, I seriously don’t think I could go out with someone with no basic personal hygiene. He could always arrange another day of meeting, when his eyes decided not to give him too much trouble.
As I am quite a practical person, I don’t think there would be any fairy tale like dates in this era of dating. You know – the love at first sight thingy or you-are-made-for-me kinda shit. Apart from the few amusing people that I had dated, there were also a few men who couldn’t wait to get into my pants (and I thought I have no sex appeal).
A colleague of mine asked me today whether I would like to join her to register at MCA Cupid’s Club to try our luck. I politely declined and wished her all the best. She complained lack of men too; at the same time, telling me, she doesn’t really like socializing. HUH? Then how the heck are you supposed to get to know men? You have to go out! I doubt men would come knocking at your door if you live like a nun.
Some friends find it rather odd that I never find anyone despite having such a large circle of friends. Instead, I helped in pairing up other friends. They said I should be doing this favor for myself first. Well, nobody would be interested in a woman looking like the blue mascot of TMNet.
We wish it were as simple as our parents’ yesteryears. My mother met my dad in the amusement park; where my mum worked. My dad, a soldier then, went to the park for some entertainment to kill time. They courted and got married.
My boss, Sugar, met her husband in a Christmas party. Speaking of which, Sugar tried to relive her success by match making me with her husband’s eligible friends when I went to her house warming party late last year. The plan fell flat because she was making it too obvious and I couldn’t forget the look on the men’s faces when being introduced. Some of them were rather shy and some of them shocked. I guess, anyone would be rudely shocked to be introduced to the uglier version of TMNet Mascot. Two out of six men (not bad lah, score 33%) gave me their business cards (proud to say they are the cuter ones – ha ha!!) – but I have misplaced them. Shame on me. Opportunity flying off the window, just like that.
Hotbabe YY wanted to introduce me to this hairy hunk by asking me to join them for a movie in Mid Valley. (She showed me a partly naked picture of him taken in their Redang trip – Ooo.. nose bleed). I did go but I was too tired to stay. I bid them goodbye after the movie and didn’t even look at the hairy guy in flesh before I left. There were some other girlfriends ogling and practically swarming him – that was why I didn’t even had the chance to have a proper look at him.
Anny – aiyoh.. She mailed me many pictures of her eligible friends for me to choose from. Macam catalogue book ala Vietnam Bride? But this one comes free of charge. Ha ha.
Over the weekend, my third aunt asked me if I needed help to find a partner. I just looked aloof and pretended I was a wax dummy.
I know my friends and relatives meant well. Even fate (during one “kow chim” session in temple) told me I should use the service of an intermediary in order to find the match. But, I think, probably it was meant for me to be alone.
Or I was just telling a friend – maybe I should change my sexual orientation and be a lesbian, as I seemed to score better luck with women. I wonder when will Snow invite me to her all-lesbians pool side party again? Wah.. those tiny bikinis!!
Hot Momma Sharon came to town last week and we went out for coffee. She told me about her Indonesian maids – having sex every night with different Bangladeshi guys. She even caught them red handed doing it under an unused truck. Geez. Even maids are luckier?!
Ah well, probably you people think I am such a fussy pot. How to be fussy when I have no choice at all? I would like to think this as a natural selection. Probably I just don’t have the good genes to propagate that God made me a spinster.
I could never find someone who would at least love me as I am and pray for a better luck in my next life. I wish Cili Padi good luck though.
Cili Padi complained about men she dated, telling her – the right person always comes at the wrong time. Whereas for me, the men I dated, used to tell me – the right person always comes in the wrong size.
It has been sometime since I last dated. Most of my dates come from the internet. In fact, I met most of my good friends online – James, Kat, Pilot Boy, Ed, just to name a few.
Well, going out with Ed does not count for obvious reason. Sekinchan Boy doesn’t count either because he thinks I am a man and I think of him otherwise. The Monk and I slept on the same bed and yet nothing happened, except both of us snored till morning and he had to fart while sleeping. Takeshi, well, we are merely BKT connoisseurs and he calls me “dude”.
I kinda miss the good old days when I dated ferociously. Call me promiscuous or whatever – I used to date 7 men in a year.
So, where have the good cowboys gone?
I am not particular about looks coz I am not a looker myself. God made my mother pretty – unfortunately, all her genes are recessive. The only nice thing I inherited from my mother is probably half of her million-dollar smile.
I am okay to date a man as long as he takes care of his personal hygiene. Before your mind starts to run wild on possible bedroom romps, let me give you an example.
I once went out with a guy whose eyes were so red and watery. Shit kept on oozing out from his eyes, while we were having tom yam. As he was talking to me, he kept on rubbing his eyes, and then wiped it on his shirt. I tried to remain optimistic but his eyes were uncooperative. He blamed it on lack of sleep. The scene from Ally McBeal disgusted over the lack of table manners of her date kept playing in my mind that instant.
At the end of the day, I seriously don’t think I could go out with someone with no basic personal hygiene. He could always arrange another day of meeting, when his eyes decided not to give him too much trouble.
As I am quite a practical person, I don’t think there would be any fairy tale like dates in this era of dating. You know – the love at first sight thingy or you-are-made-for-me kinda shit. Apart from the few amusing people that I had dated, there were also a few men who couldn’t wait to get into my pants (and I thought I have no sex appeal).
A colleague of mine asked me today whether I would like to join her to register at MCA Cupid’s Club to try our luck. I politely declined and wished her all the best. She complained lack of men too; at the same time, telling me, she doesn’t really like socializing. HUH? Then how the heck are you supposed to get to know men? You have to go out! I doubt men would come knocking at your door if you live like a nun.
Some friends find it rather odd that I never find anyone despite having such a large circle of friends. Instead, I helped in pairing up other friends. They said I should be doing this favor for myself first. Well, nobody would be interested in a woman looking like the blue mascot of TMNet.
We wish it were as simple as our parents’ yesteryears. My mother met my dad in the amusement park; where my mum worked. My dad, a soldier then, went to the park for some entertainment to kill time. They courted and got married.
My boss, Sugar, met her husband in a Christmas party. Speaking of which, Sugar tried to relive her success by match making me with her husband’s eligible friends when I went to her house warming party late last year. The plan fell flat because she was making it too obvious and I couldn’t forget the look on the men’s faces when being introduced. Some of them were rather shy and some of them shocked. I guess, anyone would be rudely shocked to be introduced to the uglier version of TMNet Mascot. Two out of six men (not bad lah, score 33%) gave me their business cards (proud to say they are the cuter ones – ha ha!!) – but I have misplaced them. Shame on me. Opportunity flying off the window, just like that.
Hotbabe YY wanted to introduce me to this hairy hunk by asking me to join them for a movie in Mid Valley. (She showed me a partly naked picture of him taken in their Redang trip – Ooo.. nose bleed). I did go but I was too tired to stay. I bid them goodbye after the movie and didn’t even look at the hairy guy in flesh before I left. There were some other girlfriends ogling and practically swarming him – that was why I didn’t even had the chance to have a proper look at him.
Anny – aiyoh.. She mailed me many pictures of her eligible friends for me to choose from. Macam catalogue book ala Vietnam Bride? But this one comes free of charge. Ha ha.
Over the weekend, my third aunt asked me if I needed help to find a partner. I just looked aloof and pretended I was a wax dummy.
I know my friends and relatives meant well. Even fate (during one “kow chim” session in temple) told me I should use the service of an intermediary in order to find the match. But, I think, probably it was meant for me to be alone.
Or I was just telling a friend – maybe I should change my sexual orientation and be a lesbian, as I seemed to score better luck with women. I wonder when will Snow invite me to her all-lesbians pool side party again? Wah.. those tiny bikinis!!
Hot Momma Sharon came to town last week and we went out for coffee. She told me about her Indonesian maids – having sex every night with different Bangladeshi guys. She even caught them red handed doing it under an unused truck. Geez. Even maids are luckier?!
Ah well, probably you people think I am such a fussy pot. How to be fussy when I have no choice at all? I would like to think this as a natural selection. Probably I just don’t have the good genes to propagate that God made me a spinster.
I could never find someone who would at least love me as I am and pray for a better luck in my next life. I wish Cili Padi good luck though.
fishtail | Homepage | 02.24.06 – 5:33 am | #
‘So, where have the good cowboys gone?’
brokeback mountain. *runs away*
Don’t call yourself ugly okay. beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
yuin | 02.24.06 – 7:37 am | #
half chinese? sigh, m not. incredible wit…sigh, lagi not. hairy hunk, white chop chicken. dont think i will fit that 7 men-a-year bill lar….sighhh. guess i hv to go to cupid club.
pedro sanchez la manila | 02.24.06 – 7:45 am | #
wish u all the luck in the world too, sweetie! all the good cowboys… *sigh…. still with their horses…..
Sharon | 02.24.06 – 11:19 am | #
i believe the right person will come when the time is right..anyway, there’s only 2 types of good guy
One is gay the other is married….chuckle. JK…
Seriously, believe in FATE….the time would come and u cant escape then
foodcrazee | 02.24.06 – 1:40 pm | #
Yes i also believe in fate. I havent been in a relationship in 6 yrs. But that don’t mean i don’t eat when I’m hungry buahahahahaaaaa
Stevo | Homepage | 02.24.06 – 2:22 pm | #
LOL.. i laughed so many times. Sometimes your descriptions are just too funny You’re good, woman.
Blogs like these are the original blogs. I miss this blogging style.
I’ve always wanted to try speed dating. Maybe you should give it a go and tell us all about it. I bet you would have alot to say about it!
Jayelle | Homepage | 02.24.06 – 2:24 pm | #
*Counts using fingers*
Hmmm… I don’t think I’ve dated* seven women in my whole life!
*By “date”, I mean the romantic variety.
Yuen Li | Homepage | 02.24.06 – 7:06 pm | #
Vagus | 02.25.06 – 8:54 am | #
Why so ‘kan-chiong’ let time takes its course on relationship matters. In no time, a ‘yian-tau’ (handsome) hunk will come knocking at your door and pour his heart out to love for who you are.
peacelover | 02.25.06 – 10:18 am | #
Hi there… Great picture.. Looks like Kiwiland.. maybe it’s telling you something??! Take a trip to NZ and hm… you might find something?! hehhe Good luck with your search.. Things happen when you least expect them!
Chiwi | Homepage | 02.25.06 – 11:31 am | #
Fishtail: Drink lotsa water is good for health! Ha ha ha! That is so mean of her.
Yuin: Yeah lah. I knew someone gonna say that! That is why I think I need to go to Brokeback Mountain – the female version. Ha ha ha!
Pedro: I will e-mail you the forms. Ha ha ha!!
Sharon: Hhmph.. even horses are more appealing now eh?
foodcrazee: True lor. The good guys I go out with now, they are either gay or married or getting married.
Stevo: You lucky bastard. ha ha ha! Can teach me a few tricks on how to cari makan?
Jayelle: The guys in speed dating – some friends who tried it said, most of them just want to get into your pants after the first date. You are still so young!! Take your time!! I don’t believe in PAYING to find a partner!! I’ll do it if I am desperate enough. *maybe I should, since the methods I am using now, didnt work* Ha ha!
Yuen Li: No – I didn’t sleep with the 7 of them. Ha ha ha!
vagus: I will send you and pedro the forms. According to my friends who’ve been there – most of the men there are quite.. “ah piau” or “jinjang-ish”. Ha ha.
peacelover: Sudah 30 years old. Not kan chiong la.. I think still can wait another 30 years.
chiwi: Hmmph… maybe it is a sign.. not that I am going to be humping sheep.. but going to NZ might be a good idea. The Maoris there are huge! And I will be in “S” size compare to them. Ha ha! Thanks for the tip!
Gina | Homepage | 02.25.06 – 5:05 pm | #
Not too worry…I’m sure the right guy will show up soon.
What the heck with the TMnet mascot thingy. Pls lar, don’t even compare yourself with that blue thing…
You have what it takes to be beautiful (don’t worry too much about outer beauty, is doing well, though you need to shed some pounds), what matters most is you have great BIG HEART
WY | 02.26.06 – 12:38 pm | #
Dearest Gina,
I’m also half-Chinese, well not really half, but not completely Chinese….. hee hee
Finding the other person in life is not so easy. It will take time, and I wish you all the best… Chaiyo!
Kitjar Sukjaidee | Homepage | 02.26.06 – 3:36 pm | #
Hi gina,
I love how you express your thoughts. Wish you good luck in finding love.
HY | 02.26.06 – 5:37 pm | #
Thanks WY, Kitjar, Hy for your encouraging words.
Gina | Homepage | 02.26.06 – 8:54 pm | #
You showed us your confidence in your daily undertakings plus some excellent helping hands now and then.
But I cant rationalise, why are you describing yourself as ugly, unwanted, oversized etc…
VJ | 02.27.06 – 5:08 pm | #
VJ: I am oversized, unwanted.. and maybe not that ugly lah. Ha ha ha!
Gina | Homepage | 02.27.06 – 10:52 pm | #
Peh, nothing wrong with having a few extra pounds. Who wants to snuggle with bones and skin anyway?
Blame it on the poor quality of men lor, I doubt it’s you, especially after reading some of your posts. You’re a hoot!
IB | Homepage | 03.05.06 – 12:00 pm | #
I think u have tt million dollar smile coupled with an appealing appearance – those who can’t see tt in u r BLIND!!!
U’ll find ur love – he’s probably right in front of u.
Sharon | 04.03.06 – 6:16 pm | #