It’s 3 am and it’s raining. Usually, when the rain starts to fall, the house is quiet, and time seems to standstill; thoughts wander.
What is life, if there is no love?
Love can make or break. It is a risky game. If one hasn’t tasted the forbidden fruit, one will not know how sweet it is. But when one do, all hell breaks loose. One has to be responsible to deal with the consequences; good or bad.
Many people mistaken lust for love. They are not the same. They are just interchangeable. Towards the end of the day, when youthfulness fade, wrinkles surface, passing of time taking its toll on the physical being, if there’s still love in the end, then one has won.
There is no guarantees that love will be at the end of the road to greet you but I am sure everyone works hard towards achieving that goal. Don’t fret if things don’t happen the way they should or could have been.
One just needs to learn to surrender all. That’s when love buds begin to grow, even in the coldest winter.
It’s still February. The feelings' overwhelming.
What is life, if there is no love?
Love can make or break. It is a risky game. If one hasn’t tasted the forbidden fruit, one will not know how sweet it is. But when one do, all hell breaks loose. One has to be responsible to deal with the consequences; good or bad.
Many people mistaken lust for love. They are not the same. They are just interchangeable. Towards the end of the day, when youthfulness fade, wrinkles surface, passing of time taking its toll on the physical being, if there’s still love in the end, then one has won.
There is no guarantees that love will be at the end of the road to greet you but I am sure everyone works hard towards achieving that goal. Don’t fret if things don’t happen the way they should or could have been.
One just needs to learn to surrender all. That’s when love buds begin to grow, even in the coldest winter.
It’s still February. The feelings' overwhelming.
Yes, I agree. We only need to surrender all to love.
abaniko | Homepage | 02.26.06 – 4:27 pm | #
It’s better said…”What is Love, if there is no Life?”
Even before we can or have the right to choose or protest on anything, we are already in this world by someone’s making.
Had we known that we will be what we are today, many of us will crawl back into our mother’s womb on our birth day.
Now that we have Life, we should now find Love.
peacelover | 02.27.06 – 2:55 pm | #
Abaniko: Well said. Thanks for the input.
Peacelover: Wah. Must be a man of God huh? I guess so. Now I wish I could crawl back to my ma’s womb and never come out.
Gina | Homepage | 02.27.06 – 9:53 pm | #
trying to kill your ma’ ah?
now so big already crawl back in can kill her la!
laymank | Homepage | 02.27.06 – 10:36 pm | #
laymank: Not now lah.. ah ahahhaa. Wish I wasn’t conceived at the first place. hahaha!
Gina | Homepage | 02.27.06 – 11:42 pm | #