This week had been hectic.
Firstly, my cousin brother’s marriage registration in Thean Hou temple on Valentine’s Day itself together with 142 other couples. I took the day off to be the photographer. There was an unexplained horrendous jam that morning. I was glad though, that I turned out at the nick of time to snap pics while the group of 143 couples congregated to take a group photo with the Chief Monk and the organizers of the mass marriage registration. The sun was bright and the sky was blue. All in all, it was a good day to get married.
Firstly, my cousin brother’s marriage registration in Thean Hou temple on Valentine’s Day itself together with 142 other couples. I took the day off to be the photographer. There was an unexplained horrendous jam that morning. I was glad though, that I turned out at the nick of time to snap pics while the group of 143 couples congregated to take a group photo with the Chief Monk and the organizers of the mass marriage registration. The sun was bright and the sky was blue. All in all, it was a good day to get married.
Tomorrow night, our family will be adjourning to Port Dickson to celebrate the wedding. It is going to be fun, having our beloved aunts from Port Weld, Taiping with us. I have yet to recover from my tragic sunburnt though.

A reader previously suggested that I should list down the presents that I’ve gotten for my birthday this year. As I have emphasized in a reply to her; it is not the presents that serves as a measurement of a friendship; it is always the thought that counts. I would be happy enough if my friends remember my birthday and send me a text or call me to wish me or if they insist, take me to lunch or dinner, which most of my friends did. If they don’t remember, it is also fine. It is hard to remember someone else other than your most loved one on this special day.
I don’t look forward to receiving things from people. I feel that it’s a waste of hard earned money – and also at times, things given might be impractical. Friends who know me best; understand that I don’t expect anything from them on such occasion. Nevertheless, I thank them for the kind thoughts and generosity.
Four singletons were invited over for dinner at Ed’s place on Valentine’s Day. I jokingly remarked, was it because we were singles that Ed took a pity on us and cook us Valentine's Day dinner. Or maybe it was his selfish agenda to keep him company? Ha ha. He knew I was kidding.
This group shared the same sentiment of being single. We were not exactly happy being single, as we could get horny at times...err.. I mean, lonely. Having someone with you doesn’t guarantee you being happier either. It depends on the way you look at things. In our society, especially the Chinese who emphasizes on inheritance, we were very much pressured into finding a suitor to bring a family up. It proved to be more difficult when you are gay. How are you supposed to tell your parents? I admire Ed for his courage and will, in not conforming to the norm of the society, at the same time, agonnizing over the pain that he had gone through to finally accept that he’s a homosexual.
For me, I think, whatever actions we have taken, would be accounted for. We live to be answerable to ourselves and also to God (if any) when we die. It doesn’t matter what other people think. As long as we had done our best to live and love this life, it is good enough. It is important to learn to detach ourselves from a nagging problem. Every problem has a solution. You need to look beyond your problem, seek help if needed and do not dwell in them for too long.
A friend’s friend died in a scuba diving accident recently, which caught all his friends, off guard. He was at his peak in his highly charged career and was ready to start a family. The unexpected happened, he died doing the hobby he loved most. We pray that God would bless his soul and hope that he is in better hands now. When it’s time, it’s time. Nothing can escape fate.
Life is indeed too short to be constantly worried about too many things. No doubt, life is unpredictable and impermanent; there are still things to look forward in life. My birthday had proved that there are people out there who loved me for who I am, and accepted me for my shortcomings and weaknesses.
So, what did I wish for my birthday? Simple. I hope each and everyone of my friends would remain positive and safe. As for the 5 of us on the Valentine’s Day dinner, we hope to remain positively single.
I think my life began way earlier before pushing 30. My instinct tells me that, at 30, it’s going to be as good as it gets.
And sorry to hear about the accident of your friend’s friend.
laymank | 02.16.06 – 10:58 pm | #
happy birthday!!
ryuu | 02.16.06 – 11:53 pm | #
yes my dear
our life began much earlier before 30 hits in.We are going to be matured precious wine ah? or older ginger???
whatever it is…its great to have you over
ed | 02.17.06 – 12:29 am | #
sigh, i kemaluan lar. sorry i did not get u anything…sigh. but never the less..i did text u right? but i think it is not enuf lar…especially u helped me with some fact finding on manila…hehehehe. i will make it up to u… mar.
eduj | 02.17.06 – 1:18 am | #
Happy Birthday Gina!
yuin | Homepage | 02.17.06 – 1:51 am | #
life begin on the first moment u start to learn to enjoying your life.. ^_^
dragon city | Homepage | 02.17.06 – 1:58 am | #
yzzi | 02.17.06 – 11:41 am | #
Happy Birthday!
Life begins not at 20,30,40 or 50, but everyday
peacelover | 02.17.06 – 11:55 am | #
excellent peacelover! yes life shall begin everyday -
Gina – very comforting to know tat right?
ed | 02.17.06 – 11:01 pm | #
I can almost “feel” the delight in your life and how much you appreciate the dishes that life presents you … yes, yes, yes, a very great start and a long way more to go with a lot of goodies along the “scenic” route ….. here’s a toast to you – to a fantastic life and a great 2006 ahead!!
See you soon!
Ee Reen
Ee Reen | 02.18.06 – 12:22 pm | #
peacelover – yes, well said
peacelover | 02.18.06 – 12:22 pm | #
welcome to club DIRTY THIRTY. no marry, no cry. enjoylah dulu bachelorette! believe u me there is plenty of time for the trials & tribulations of marriage. don’t have to rush. take the scenic route, take more pics!! don’t worry (sensed some vibes lah in ur posts), just ignore the biological clock…..after all can clone what!! can produce mini-me.
happy | 02.18.06 – 10:00 pm | #
Everyone! Thank you so much for your well wishes! Life well lived doesn’t mean we would be living in goodness or care free – it is how we are able to be in the arms of our friends for comfort, and how we managed to pull ourselves together in time of crisis, and survived it.
Ed: Thanks, I had a great time!
eduj: You say one ah! Don’t chicken shit. Ha ha ha!
Ee Reen: Rain or shine – just take it in my stride!
happy: It would be scary to have a mini – me. That is why I refuse to procreate. Ha ha ha!
Gina | Homepage | 02.19.06 – 6:49 pm | #
happy belated birthday, gina!
and sorry about the friend – young life is always the saddest to see go
visithra | Homepage | 02.20.06 – 10:02 am | #
Happy Belated Birthday, Gina!
toxic | 02.21.06 – 12:14 pm | #
Thanks, Visithra & Toxic.
Yeah.. quite sad to have seen a talented person just go like that. Just hope he is in better hands now.
Gina | Homepage | 02.21.06 – 11:05 pm | #
Happy Belated Birthday and have a great year ahead.
KML | 02.27.06 – 5:19 pm | #
Aiks.. thanks KML.
Gina | Homepage | 02.28.06 – 12:47 am | #