I went on a blind date yesterday. Let me rephrase that - I was chaperoning Ms Lactose on a blind date yesterday. Let me rephrase that again – I replaced a friend to chaperon Ms Lactose on a blind date, of whom we have no connection whatsoever – he was being introduced to me last week on MSN so I could bring him out to meet Ms Lactose on behalf of this well meaning friend who convinced me that he is a nice guy. Get it?

It has been awhile since I last dated/ chaperoned. Blind dates sometimes can be fun as you don’t know what to expect. And usually, blind dates would end up quite interesting (it bound to happen if you go out with me – ahem!) and amusing, and be kept as memories (good or bad is another story) in one’s dating scene.

Yesterday’s was no exception.

The intended restaurant – Nippon Tei was scrapped after the man complained of stomach discomfort, and preferred to eat something light. (Japanese food is usually light, right?) Can’t blame him. He is 46 years old.

We ended up in Little Penang CafĂ©. I like the devil’s curry anyway.

For someone with an upset stomach, he sure had hell a lot of appetite. He had the loh mee, prawn mee, ju hu char, lobak, top hats and red ruby dessert.

Looks aside, it is quite a turn off to flaunt your wealth. Probably, working girls from China who look for gold to dig would totally appreciate you but for sophisticated women like Ms Lactose (and me), this trick doesn’t work. I have rich friends – they don’t flaunt their wealth. They are rather miserly and very down to earth.

With gem studded rings and bangles on both hands, his “share price” plummeted again. Then I came to know after the date, that the bangles were meant for rheumatism. Ms Lactose saw her 50++ year old brother wearing the same thing for his rheumatism. Gawd. Meaning – it’s an old man’s bangle?

I wasn’t really paying attention but Ms Lactose spotted tattoos on his arms – big, huge ones. “Share price” further decreased.

We ended dinner abruptly, not that we intended to, to catch a movie. It’s a favor to stop his "share price" from plummeting.

As we were lining up for tickets, we saw some seats highlighted in yellow and asked what seats are those. The seats were meant for the disabled.

To our horror, he started to suffer serious head concussion and behaving like a retard. He asked the equally baffled ticketing assistant, whether we could get the seats for the handicapped. I wished the earth would swallow me that instant. I wished I have super lame sense of humour.

The scene where Tom Cruise jumping up and down on the sofa like a retard on Oprah Winfrey show played in my mind that instant repetitively. The difference is, Tom Cruise is so darn gorgeous even in his 40s. If the super gorgeous Tom Cruise was not forgiven for his silly antics; what makes a man in his late 40s, with rings and rheumatism bangles, very bad hair cut, tattooed eye brows in brown color, (Yes! Euwwww!!!!!!!!!!) thinks he could get away with it?

We were hoping that the darkness in the cinema would help us to temporary forget that we were with him, but nooooooooooooooo….

His share price took a nose dive to non existence the moment he snored. And it was loud. Really LOUD – as in everyone staring at us and him, and laughed at us instead of laughing at the movie. It was a comedy (the movie.... and us).

Me: Eh – please elbow him!!!

Ms Lactose: GINA!!! He is your friend!!!! YOU wake him up!

Me: No! He is NOT my friend. ELBOW HIM!!

Ms Lactose: I am not going to touch him.

Me: Please wake him up and say, if he is tired, he can go home NOW.

Ms Lactose tapped his shoulder and told him exactly what I have said.

He woke up and struggled hard to stay awake.

When the movie ended, we dashed out from the cinema and went straight to the car park. We bid good bye hastily and we thought the worst was over when we got into our car.

But hell no.

He called me and said his parking ticket got stuck in the vending machine with his money as well.

Hello? Look, Mister. Do we look like someone who can help you with the vending machine? Call lah the security guard! Aichoh!

Anyway, we were quite concerned and out of courtesy sake, we gave him a call a few minutes later to make sure he was alright.

Ms Lactose and I learned some lessons out of this outing.

1. Not all men would look as good as my boss at age 46. (Yes – my boss is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!)
2. We are not THAT desperate.
3. It has somehow made us think that most people you get to know from the internet are lame, pervert or maniac, desperate, inane, insane, etc.
4. So what if you are filthy rich?
5. I should stop mingling with friends who have bad taste. (LOL! Kidding!)

Well, to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, he did warn us about him snoring in cinemas and made an effort to stay awake throughout the movie. We are to be blamed for not taking his warning seriously. We hope he won’t go to any movies with his future dates (with someone else) and we wish him all the best in finding his soul mate.

Other equally goofy dating stories

Dateless in Selayang
I Have A Date with Loose Springs
The Man With a Pan
Reality Bites
Dating Protocol


Backup comments said…
Haha… That’s pretty interesting date you have there.
ianfluenza | Homepage | 10.06.06 – 4:29 pm | #


Sigh…. Gina, life never ceased to be interesting with you around. LOL. Cheers to dupey dates!!
cleeyy | Homepage | 10.06.06 – 4:54 pm | #


This is so funny!!! Hahahhaha…
Ann | 10.06.06 – 5:04 pm | #


like the way u write…not that your date isnt ‘interesting’ enough…but your writting makes him hell lot more ‘credible’…haha, keep it up, date more and please write about them!!
nrew | 10.06.06 – 5:05 pm | #


haha..poor dude better get his act together soon.
Lainie | Homepage | 10.06.06 – 5:25 pm | #


Gina…I just can’t stop my mind thinking of ur actions from the way u describes the scenes…laugh till stomahche le….
Jane | 10.06.06 – 6:12 pm | #


I beh tahan the snoring part!!! I guess you didn’t expect him to really SNORE when he told you he will…hah
WY | 10.06.06 – 6:20 pm | #


sorry, no offend to those who fall asleep in Cinema, if really tired and sleepy, dun sleep in the cinema and ended up snoring… it’s rude and embarassing man!
WY | 10.06.06 – 6:21 pm | #


Ugh, the horror of blind dates. But it sure was entertaining to read about it. :P
MisSmall | Homepage | 10.06.06 – 6:34 pm | #


Oh My God!! You poor dear…what an experience! Having said that, i could not stop laughing!
sabrina | Homepage | 10.06.06 – 9:39 pm | #


pity that guy…
jakun | 10.07.06 – 1:25 am | #


hahahahahahaha.. where in the world do you find people like that?!
Kat | Homepage | 10.07.06 – 11:42 pm | #


What’s wrong with tattoos har? Har? But tattooed eyebrows? You should have left him sleeping alone in the cinema wahahaha..
stevo | Homepage | 10.08.06 – 1:48 am | #
Backup comments said…
All: Yeah.. I still can’t help laughing over this for the past 2 days. It made very funny conversations for the weekend out with friends.

nrew: I would need more dates to do that, right? I don’t think I could live through another disastrous one like this.

lainie: Not only his act.. I think the tattooed eyebrows are damn horrifying. *puke*

Jane: If you are there, you would probably surprised that I acted darn cool with all the words and emotions fluttering inside me.

jakun: Why pity? LOL.

Kat: I should stop taking “charity work” from charitable “friends”. Haha! Jesus Christ. I can’t believe the friend had the cheek to put me through such ordeal.

Stevo: Nothing is wrong with tattoos. Imagine you are in your 60s and you are sunbathing topless.. with disfigured tattoos because of your wrinkled body. Lucky James has a small unicorn.. how big is your tattoo? LOL. Better think twice before getting a tattoo.

I did think of leaving him snoring to himself in the cinema… but I pity others too.
Gina | Homepage | 10.08.06 – 3:40 pm | #


Which tattoo is bigger? Which tattoo do you mean, the one on my arm or on my eyebrows?
stevo | Homepage | 10.09.06 – 3:11 am | #


It’ll be so cool to just be a fly on the wall and watch the whole blind date! hahaha…
Lengx2 | Homepage | 10.09.06 – 5:16 am | #


OMG! he is so mensiasuikan?
JJ | 10.09.06 – 8:44 am | #


Stevo: You tattoo-ed your eye brows too?? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!

Lengx2: You will be surprised to see me seemingly having fun. I should win an Academy Award for this!

JJ: He memang mensiasuikan!! Esp when he acted retarded and snored!
Gina | Homepage | 10.09.06 – 10:19 am | #


Stomach pains, rheumatism, napping after a big meal…sounds like rapid progression towards age 65 for a 45 year old. The tattoed eyebrows…classic! Instead of asking for disabled seats perhaps he should have just flashed his pensioner card.
babyviolette | Homepage | 10.09.06 – 10:22 am | #


babyviolettee: LOL!!!!! That never cross my mind!! Haha! You could be right!
Gina | Homepage | 10.09.06 – 11:29 am | #


Not all blind dates are bad, been in one just this year and went really well, still hooked up Cheers!
JoeC | Homepage | 10.09.06 – 4:28 pm | #


JoeC: Yeah. Probably I am not THAT lucky!
Gina | Homepage | 10.11.06 – 1:46 am | #


The blind date is really funny!!! However, never tot u will write it up!!! I just wonder how will the poor guy feel??? Maybe I’m still living in 19 century, still worried of writting comment about others. Again, if the poor guy don’t mind to share the experince with others, I really never tot this will happen in real life, tot some kind of movie script, ha ha…. Hilarious!!! U r hell a damn writer!!! Good job!!!:> I’m just a good friend of ur buddy coincidence have read all ur articles when she forward ur blog to me!!!
KW | 10.12.06 – 8:01 am | #


KW: LOL! Hell a damn writer? I am a damn writer from hell, alright. Now, no guys would want to date me. *Sob*

P.S. I am not exaggerating here (about the date). It’s true.. and it’s really horrifying.
Gina | Homepage | 10.12.06 – 9:51 am | #


its probably better if he never gets hitched because if he manages to mate with a person who can tolerate him(which means she’ll probaby be like him) and spawn an offspring it would be a serious crime against humanity.
yuin | Homepage | 10.17.06 – 11:01 am | #


Yuin: LOL. Too late.. he was married, and had 2 kids… and finally divorced. Now I know why.
Gina | Homepage | 10.17.06 – 3:35 pm | #

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