Cancer seems to be the most feared word lately when one talks about health. Everyone is worried about cancer; some unfortunate people seem to be getting it; almost every other week, you have friends telling you about her/his friends having cancer, etc.

Is it the food we eat? Is it the air? Is it the stress level at work in this new millennium?

In 2002, cancer was the fourth leading killer in our nation. I wonder whether, in a span of less than 4 years, the cancer cells had been increased by leaps and bounds, because it seems everyone around me is getting cancer.

In less than 6 months this year, I have heard too many cancer stories which put me in jitters.

My friend called me to ask about insurance claims when she was admitted to hospital to remove a lump in her throat. The lump was there for as long as she could remember but the doctor said it’s safer to remove it to prevent it from growing bigger. We cannot be so sure about this.

A dear friend's mom's cancer reoccured and everyone in her family had to relive the entire agony all over again - the operation, the chemotheraphy, the taking turns in taking care of her mom, and balancing finances.

My boss is a very nice man, so does his wife. I don’t understand why cancer would strike good hearted people. They are those people who practise healthy lifestyle. They don’t drink coffee. They don’t eat oily stuff. And yet, she has cancer of the gall bladder. When such terrible things happen to good people, it always makes you wonder, is there a God?

A fellow ex colleague e-mailed me one day to ask for a Chinese Physician’s address. She then revealed to me that she has tumors in her breasts. Even if the tumors are not malignant, she has to be careful with what she eats now, and lead a healthier lifestyle. The lumps won’t go away and she is scared to go for operations.

My friend informed me of an sms sent by her cancer striken friend who is now, waiting for death to knock at her door.

My treatment in S'pore completed with a negative result. I had pet scan done. Tumor has grown larger, is spreading & multiplying rapidly. My marker is 825 vs 3. The doctor was sorry he cant help me. I've asked him how much time do i have? He said it is in the hand of god. So my dearest friends, I am terminating my chemotherapy. I am still fighting 2 stay alive. I won't just give up yet. However, (I just hv 2 write tis b4 i run out of time) I want 2 thank u 4 all yr supports, prayers & contribution etc. I am very lucky indeed 2 hv met u & known u in this lifetime.

This is much worse than death sentence. In a death sentence, you know when to expect death and probably it was justifiable because of your crime. This waiting leaves you in so much agony and it made you questioned God why is this happening?

Recently, Seha, a singer with Freedom died because of cancer after 2 months of brave battle. May she rest in peace.

We can never predict what lies ahead. That is why for this new year’s wish, it was proper that Takeshi wished that all the cells in the body stay the way they are and do not mutate.

You might be a health freak, but cancer cells know no bounds; it does not discriminate; be it race, religion, culture, status, gender, age, etc.

However, it is advisable for us to do the best we could to maintain a healthy lifestyle and do good while we can. If all else fails, blame it on bad karma.


Backup comments said…
I met a smart, good-looking boy a few years back. A few months ago he died of cancer. He was 16.

It makes you wonder..
stevo | Homepage | 10.15.06 – 1:55 pm | #


Ah shit. Yeah, it’s really sad. There IS no God.
Gina | Homepage | 10.15.06 – 10:42 pm | #


About your quote in the last paragraph, “If all else fails, blame it on bad karma”.

I believed in Karma.

Have you watch that award winning comedy “My Name is Earl”? It’s about Earl trying his best to redeem himself from karma retribution due to all the bad stuff he had done in the past. Earl made a list on all the bad stuff he had done in his past and the story follows his hilarious frantic efforts to cross it out from his list one-by-one by correcting it.

One thing for sure is that, “Man does have to learn from past mistake” – but, we just have to be smart enough not to repeat it

I like this quote, “Man is a Self-Governing Being, and Self-Government necessarily include the power as much to commit errors as to set them right as often as they are made.” – Mahatma Gandhi

I think it’s only fair play for our karma to catch up with us one day, should we not choose to repent and learn to be a better person.

“What is the purpose of our lives? What becomes of our life when we die? … No matter how much power and authority one might wield now, these become meaningless in the face of death. In the end, the only thing that is important is how one has lived one’s life. We alone must face the consequences of our actions and decisions. When one understands the strict law of cause and effect at work in life, one will inevitably come to correct one’s way of living.” – Daisaku Ikeda

Sorry, another long winded comment. I can’t help it but to share the above two quotes :P *blush*
cleeyy | Homepage | 10.16.06 – 11:49 am | #


cleeyy: It’s cool to share. I guess we just have to be answerable to our own actions. Let’s hope everyone has the same intention, to do good while we can, and to minimise frictions.
Gina | Homepage | 10.16.06 – 2:01 pm | #

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