He has been pestering me for more than a year to visit his new home in Sri Serdang.
I haven’t seen him in awhile now except for one occasion where we went out to the mamak when a common friend came back from Shanghai on her holiday.
He even offered to drive me to his home and cook me dinner. I think he was glad that I invited him over for the Leslie Cheung’s appreciation on April fool’s night. He is a great fan of Leslie’s. This indirectly spurred another opportunity for him to ask me again to his house. His reasons, to see his vast collection of Leslie’s CDs, DVDs and posters.
Having nothing to do that weekend and since Yabba would be coming as well, I agreed. I didn’t know what has got into me. I must had been bored shitless. I don't have a life?! I guess one could not bore grudges for that long. After all, we only live once. I would prefer to be remembered as a forgiving person rather than an anal-grudges-bearing-bitch. His persistency finally paid off? Or was I softer now as I am getting older?
He kept his one promise. He indeed came to fetch me after work, but he didn’t cook dinner due to lack of time. He drove me to his favorite restaurant in Sri Serdang, and we had the dishes that he has always liked, tong poh yok and loh mee. Yabba didn’t turned up. Shit! Is this a trap?!
He started telling me again of his political interest and how artistic he is, blah blah blah. I started to regret that I am not the anal-grudges-bearing-bitch, and the fact that I didn’t drive. I would have just driven off when he started his talk on politics. I cannot tolerate politics. In order not to appear pissed and risked spending a night in his home, I just listened amicably and swallowed my dinner. Lucky thing, the dinner was good enough to make me forget the conversation.
His door entrance. Who would believe this house belong to a guy? I was apprehensive to go in when he told me to give him a minute to tidy his house. I think I waited for seven long minutes, and threatened I would walk home to Selayang, if he didn’t let me in that instant.
I didn’t expect this. His home is filled with paintings from his numerous trips overseas. I thought he is a “katak di bawah tempurung” judging from the way he carried himself socially and the conversation topics he chose to dwell in.

His home appeared to be cluttered though. I warned him on his lack of luck in love and relationships due to too much glass in his home, (feng shui lah, konon) even shook my head with disapproval seeing broken glass on his table, where orchid petals and fake strawberries were scattered.
This is art. He told me. Being artistic, he said, he would like to show me the pictures he took of himself. I said, better not be some naked pictures of him, or else I would end up vomiting the lovely dinner.
Christ. I never met someone so in love with himself in my entire life. (Oh yeah, I suddenly remember Chris – Hah!) I wish I could smack some senses in his head when he complained to me why is he still single all these years, despite having so much money, a good career, a nice house (not only one, but two), nice car, and a fat bank account. To top it, someone commented that he is quite a handsome chap and looking like Tony Leung Chew Wai. *Puke*
He is a nice chap, albeit being quite anal at times. But I guess he loves himself too much to be able to fall in love with someone else.
We ended the night with a movie of Leslie Cheung, Anita Yuen and Carina Lau. I forgot the movie title though. I was warned throughout the movie not to spill wine on his imported carpet. Jesus Christ!
Hhmph. I guess I know where is the next booze party is gonna be held. *Evil Grin*
And.. hmpph... do you think Lai Ma and him makes a great couple? *LOL*
I haven’t seen him in awhile now except for one occasion where we went out to the mamak when a common friend came back from Shanghai on her holiday.
He even offered to drive me to his home and cook me dinner. I think he was glad that I invited him over for the Leslie Cheung’s appreciation on April fool’s night. He is a great fan of Leslie’s. This indirectly spurred another opportunity for him to ask me again to his house. His reasons, to see his vast collection of Leslie’s CDs, DVDs and posters.
Having nothing to do that weekend and since Yabba would be coming as well, I agreed. I didn’t know what has got into me. I must had been bored shitless. I don't have a life?! I guess one could not bore grudges for that long. After all, we only live once. I would prefer to be remembered as a forgiving person rather than an anal-grudges-bearing-bitch. His persistency finally paid off? Or was I softer now as I am getting older?
He kept his one promise. He indeed came to fetch me after work, but he didn’t cook dinner due to lack of time. He drove me to his favorite restaurant in Sri Serdang, and we had the dishes that he has always liked, tong poh yok and loh mee. Yabba didn’t turned up. Shit! Is this a trap?!

I didn’t expect this. His home is filled with paintings from his numerous trips overseas. I thought he is a “katak di bawah tempurung” judging from the way he carried himself socially and the conversation topics he chose to dwell in.

This is art. He told me. Being artistic, he said, he would like to show me the pictures he took of himself. I said, better not be some naked pictures of him, or else I would end up vomiting the lovely dinner.
Christ. I never met someone so in love with himself in my entire life. (Oh yeah, I suddenly remember Chris – Hah!) I wish I could smack some senses in his head when he complained to me why is he still single all these years, despite having so much money, a good career, a nice house (not only one, but two), nice car, and a fat bank account. To top it, someone commented that he is quite a handsome chap and looking like Tony Leung Chew Wai. *Puke*
He is a nice chap, albeit being quite anal at times. But I guess he loves himself too much to be able to fall in love with someone else.
We ended the night with a movie of Leslie Cheung, Anita Yuen and Carina Lau. I forgot the movie title though. I was warned throughout the movie not to spill wine on his imported carpet. Jesus Christ!
Hhmph. I guess I know where is the next booze party is gonna be held. *Evil Grin*
And.. hmpph... do you think Lai Ma and him makes a great couple? *LOL*
chicken wing eater | Homepage | 05.01.06 – 1:20 am | #
The house is full of fragibility. Every touch, every move must be done cautiously. Yuck! I hate to be inside. If you put Lai Ma in, wow! There would be a disaster. The broken glasses might not only display the petals of flower, but also his heart.
Mr. Labour | 05.01.06 – 2:10 am | #
haha… sounds like he accidentally broke the glasses and not to waste it, he called it art!
caused i’ve not met anyone who’ll do it deliberately for art sake! :p
mie | 05.01.06 – 12:42 pm | #
CWE: Well, he is not a bad guy at all. He just need someone to listen to him.
Mr Labour: You are absolutely right! I am amazed that you could sum up his character based on the way he decorated his house!
mie: I doubt it. He is quite a perfectionist. But his choice of deco is a bit chaotic. Contradictory but true.. sigh…
Gina | Homepage | 05.01.06 – 7:29 pm | #
The deco in his house is quite interesting lor, for a stalker… except for those fake roses from Kamdar at his entrance.
But what surprises me even more is you actually bothered to take pictures of his Love Nest! What’s wrong with you?! Hyuk hyuk…
stevo | Homepage | 05.01.06 – 8:06 pm | #
Stevo: Hahahha!!! He made me do it. Sigh. He showed me the pics he took of his loft – which were quite crap.. so I decided to make it right. Take for him the pics of his place. Nothing is wrong with helping a .. friend?
Gina | Homepage | 05.02.06 – 12:01 am | #
he is interested in you , no?
Kris | Homepage | 05.02.06 – 6:02 am | #
his house damn fakelah. like those showhouses.
better not intro them, if they have kids, they(the kids) will suffer.
yuin | 05.02.06 – 12:05 pm | #
you lucky he didn’t cook…walking into the lions den an all. Get a good pair of treking boots and i’ll give you a life! You’ll be Gina Croft in no time.
jeffrey | Homepage | 05.02.06 – 12:11 pm | #
Kris: God forbid!!
Yuin: Or probably – future children will suffer also… for befriending their children? Haha.
Jeffrey: Tell me about it (lion’s den. :-S Gina Croft?? Hahhaah!Sounds so much better than Lara Cheng eh? Haha!! Ok lah. See first lor. Angkor Wat trip this July… so.. I might need to train a bit.
Gina | Homepage | 05.02.06 – 6:51 pm | #
Anny | 05.02.06 – 7:52 pm | #
hhmmm….narcissism ? lai ma and him can go along lar… their MUI YAN lar…chuckle!
foodcrazee | Homepage | 05.02.06 – 9:07 pm | #
Anny: Massage parlour looks better!! Hahah!
foodcrazee: For the betterment of mankind.. I doubt it. Hahah!
Gina | Homepage | 05.04.06 – 4:21 pm | #
when a peacock displays his feathers in a mating ritual, the peahen examines them & decide to mate or not to mate. if u don’t like his ‘feathers’ tell him so and walk away, dear. don’t lambast his wares on ur blog. it’s just cruel and mean. u may just drive this peacock mad enough to start displaying to other peacocks…now u wouldn’t want to be responsible for that would u????
r | 05.05.06 – 1:19 am | #
r: Well, this peacock is way off control already. He seemed to like attention very very much – irregardless good or bad.
Gina | Homepage | 05.05.06 – 12:55 pm | #
good to see, but not so good to live in…
i wonder how he clean his place… my gosh.
Jane | Homepage | 05.07.06 – 6:27 pm | #
That’s what I asked him the moment I stepped into his house! Gosh!!
Gina | Homepage | 05.08.06 – 12:40 am | #
maybe u should have checked under his carpet. the rubbish could be there! hahhaa…
Jane | Homepage | 05.08.06 – 11:15 pm | #
The only thing I beh tahan is the stone arrangements into the word ‘love’. I’ve got goose bump after looking at it… too mushy to handle (eventho I’m a romantic freak)
WY | 05.09.06 – 3:41 pm | #
But kudos for his effort in decorating his house lar.
WY | 05.09.06 – 3:41 pm | #