Wrote this in office yesterday.. at 8.25 am...

1. Were you named after anyone? No. But I am glad my dad didn’t name me with my late grandma’s suggestion. Yuet Mei – the beauty of the moon – YUCKS!!!

2. Do you wish on stars? Yes – whenever I see a shooting star.

3. Do you like your handwriting? Yes. But a bit small though for someone my size. Haha!

4. What is your favorite meat? Red.

5. What is the most embarrassing CD on your shelf? Love songs. Geez. I am such a sentimental freak.

6. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I guess so. Even if I cannot stand myself at times for being outright outspoken.

7. Are you a daredevil? No, I am a chicken shit.

8. When did you cry last? When I read the Survival in the Killing Fields.

9. Did you ever tell a secret you weren’t supposed to? Errr... People know I cannot keep secrets. Haha!

10. How do you release anger? I am quite nasty when I am angry. Uhm, I used to throw things to the wall, but now… age got better of me. I just slam doors. Haha!

11. Where is your second home? KLCC.

12. Do you trust others easily? Yes. I am quite gullible.

13. What class in college do you think is totally useless? Information system. I don’t understand why the hell we bother to study in depth and take exam for something which keeps on getting obsolete and not value added to my line of work.

14. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? What the heck is a mosh pit??

15. What do you look for in a man? Great wit and hygenic (no shit oozing out from the eyes on dates please!! No bad breath!!).

16. Would you do a bungee jump? I guess not. I am such a chicken shit.

17. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies and Cream.

18. What is your least favorite thing? Attending relative’s gathering of sorts. That is why I never go to any, except for the aunts from Taiping.

19. How many people do you have a crush on right now? Several. Does Hugh Grant count?

20. What do you miss most right now? Fung Keong calling me a fucker.

21. What are you listening to right now? My company's anthem.

22. What is the weather like right now? Freaking hot.

23. Last person you talked to on the phone? My boss – he told me he is coming in late.

24. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Height.

25. Favorite drink non-alcoholic? Strawberry frappucino.

26. Favorite alcoholic drink? Margheritta.

27. Hair color? Dark with shades of light brown.

28. Eye color? Dark Brown.

29. Wear contacts? Nope.

30. Last movie you watched? SWAT – at Astro. Colin Ferrel is drop dead gorgeous!!

31. Favorite day of the year? New Year’s Day. Feels like I am opening a new chapter of my life.

32. How many people have a crush on you right now? Probably a few, those who haven’t seen me and don’t know how I look like. Hahahah!!

33. Scary movies or happy endings? I am a sucker for happy endings.

34. Summer or winter? We don’t have winter here – so, we don’t have a choice.

35. What book/magazine are you reading at the moment? Paulo Coelho, the Devil and Ms Prym.

36. What's on your mouse pad? I don’t use mouse pad.

37. What did you watch on TV last night? I hardly watch tv.

37. Favorite Smell? Acqua di Gio on freshly showered body (a man’s that is.. hmmmph…..)

38. Do you regret ever breaking up with someone? Erm… I haven’t got the chance to break up with someone yet.

39. Favorite actor/actress? Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie.

40. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yes. I am a bitch with the big “S”. Someone told me, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.. oh well, at least I am witty.

41. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No. It is a bad habit, I know!

42. What do you miss the most right now? Aiks, I thought I answered this at Question No. 20.

43. What color underwear are you wearing? Black.

44. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Pastel green.

45. How are you today? Not too good. Suffering ingestion from yesterday’s fei loi trip.

46. Siblings? One younger brother and one younger sis. I’m the eldest.

47. Favorite Month? February. It’s the shortest and lotsa holidays.

48. Have you ever been shy to ask someone out? Nope. I am quite a tak malu person. Haha!

49. Hugs or kisses? Both, especially from little Sasha.

50. Do your friends write back? Most of them do coz they know I hate unanswered questions.

51. Who is least likely to respond? Sekinchan Boy.

52. Do you like the person who tagged you with this? Haha. Well, I think so or else I wouldn’t bother doing this for him!

If you finish reading this, consider yourself tagged!!


Backup comments said…
Was just going to read and lurk but I got a big mouth. Sometimes too big. keke

A mosh pit is the area in front of stage at a rock concert. Thats where all the pushing and punching takes place. Sometimes people are picked up and they are pushed across the body of people. It looks like they are floating over all the people stanging almost.

Disagree witht the comment on sarcasm. Sarcasm requires a great deal wit and makes for very effective arguments.

Oh and I found you through Nyabek’s blog. He picked up this meme from me.
simple american | Homepage | 04.26.06 – 2:26 am | #

Hi! It’s good to have a big mouth sometimes. Hahah! Thanks for the explanation, appreciate it.

The definition of sarcasm can be found in literature studies I guess. That is where she picked up the meaning.
Gina | Homepage | 04.26.06 – 9:41 pm | #

yuet mei? heahehaheahehahahheahehaehaehehaehahehahaehehaehea hehaeheahaeheaheheaheheaheheaheahehahehae, if so, i sud call u ahmei or ahyuet?
yuetmei’s fren | 04.27.06 – 1:35 pm | #

Don’t you dare, dude!!
Gina | Homepage | 04.29.06 – 2:52 am | #

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