Cooking To Keep A Man?

How many of you girls cook? Not many ladies know how to cook these days. Those who are still staying with their moms would know what I mean. And those who are not, well, microwave and frozen food always save the day.

I, for instance, am NOT a kitchen person. I think a kitchen is a place, where I go to only when I am hungry. Usually whenever there is a feast in the house, my duty is restricted to crushing the garlic and washing the dishes only. I can’t even cut the vegetables properly, unlike my stick-insect-sister (S.I.S) who seems to be gifted.

My mother has been nagging me to learn how to cook, if not for my future husband, it is to feed myself. I constantly told my mom, I would rely on instant food and take out. She has given up hope since then. Ah, well. I am not totally hopeless though. I know how to fry stuffs, boil eggs, steam fish… (who doesn't?)... simple cooking that doesn’t involve much use of spices or skills... or brains..

When I was 13, I was placed in the Domestic classes where several basic living skills are being taught: cooking, sewing, fixing the toilet, carpentry, etc. Being a bright student, I am glad to say I haven’t forgotten totally what had being taught. I fix the toilets at home.

Thinking back, I chuckled at the thought of how a dear friend, trying to “tumis sambal belacan” by standing about ¾ metre away with the lid of the wok as shield, to avoid the gurgling hot oil. One good solution for not being able to cook is to marry a husband who does. That is exactly what this smart woman did.

So, do you think, the women today, need to learn to cook to please the men? After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Talking about cooking, a good friend of mine is working her way to Bee Stung Lip’s heart by baking him a birthday cake. We are celebrating his birthday in Zen, Sunway Pyramid tonight.

Happy Birthday, Sexy Mr Bee Stung Lips!


Backup comments said…
Darling, it is they, the men, who has to win our hearts. You just show up.

I used to think that cooking is as alien as ET. And the vision of me, cooking, is a valid investigation case to call upon Agent Mulder. But lately, spurred on by my domestic goddess idol, Nigella Lawson, I have learnt the joys of cooking & baking. It ain’t as hard as it is made out to be. So now, I bake my own breads & cakes and cookies and muffins. I take pleasure in them. Just for me. (At least now I’ve got reason to pound the pavement i.e. exercise)

Try it, you might like it. A girl can always look like Paris Hilton and yet put Jamie Oliver to shame.
jade | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 1:44 pm | #
Backup comments said…
not necessary.thats my opinon anyway. i love cooking and would rather come over and cook for them.
but it does helps if the gal knows her way around the kitchen. don’t think of it a must-do thing for ur boys/bf/husband, more like something which 2 people can enjoy doing together.
my only request is whoever i m cooking for must tell me what kind of food she would like to have,i hate going thru all the decisions on what dishes to cook.
guy | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 2:24 pm | #

Too much good food to men will literally reach his heart-full of clogged arteries.Then,the men will be having heart attacks!

Joking aside,what comes from the heart will reach someone heart.It is the loving and caring-both ways.
Adib | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 2:59 pm | #
Backup comments said…
My great grandmother use to say, “if the pots are cold in the kitchen, it will be cold in the bedroom.” I don’t know how true that is, because knowing how to cook has never been a requirement I’ve looked for in a woman. If a woman cooks for me, I just view it as some unexpected treat or random act of kindness.
B-FLX | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 3:42 pm | #

nice blog gina, agree with guy & adib…cant deny about b-flx’s great grandma…
VJ | 02.01.05 – 4:08 pm | #

Cooking is a no-brainer nowadays. Sambal tumis? Easy. Kurma curry? No problem. That’s what Adabi, Sin Loong and Brahims sauces are for! Open the packet girl, and just pour!
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach? Oh gee, how can that be when a guy’s brains are under his zip?
viewtru | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 4:09 pm | #
Backup comments said…
I think thinking of what to cook is the most difficult task… Once you know what you want, half the job is done! The other half os to buy the read-made sauces for it…. oh, and also don’t forget the meat!
Toxic | 02.01.05 – 4:28 pm | #

I guess it would be nice if your other half (other half, no particular gender) can cook. But cooking is never a requirement. I agree with B-FLX that it’s an “unexpected treat or random act of kindness.”
kay-el | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 5:21 pm | #

Hear! Hear!

I’m gonna send this entry to my wife for her to read

So Wifey, one nasi lemak please.
faizall | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 5:25 pm | #
Backup comments said…
i don’t expect women to be great cooks but knowing a little about cooking will surely spice-up the relationship. Cooking together with your the other half can be really fun and meaningful too
But if the guy is a great cook, I bet he hates washingup too. So if you dun wanna cook, you will probably end up to be the poor washing lady :-D
charlyn | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 10:57 pm | #

Jade: Guess you are just born to cook too.

Guy: Gimme your number, pls. I think a lot of my friends would love to know you.

Adib: That is why, Love is blind.

B-FLX: I think women would only cook for people they care for.

VJ: Whatever it is, I believe cooking would come in handy one day. Afterall, who doesn’t like to have a nice warm meal prepared by someone they love?
Gina | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 11:38 pm | #
Backup comments said…
viewtru: Sex, no doubt it is important.. but when one grows older, I think what is more important is to ease the hunger for food, no more sex.

Toxic: A carnivore huh?

kay-el: I believe so. Nobody expects their wives to cook anymore.

faisall: One more for me also, please.

charlyn: I am used to the washing up. So, no problem. Hehhe.
Gina | Homepage | 02.01.05 – 11:46 pm | #

Well, I believe that you do not need to be the best cook to win the man’s heart.

However, knowing how to cook is bonus indeed. I have seen how some wives (people that I know personally) who don’t know how to cook, gradually realizes that their husbands are losing interest in coming home after work.

A baby would probably strengthen the bond. But I believe food from the heart does equally the same.
yun | Homepage | 02.02.05 – 1:42 am | #
Backup comments said…
My friend in Singapore just told me that the dating agencies there run cooking dates, ie. they pair up couples and they all go to the supermarket to get the ingredients and each couple will cook something together. That’s quite a good idea!
Toxic | 02.02.05 – 2:26 am | #

quoting guy : “my only request is whoever i m cooking for must tell me what kind of food she would like to have,i hate going thru all the decisions on what dishes to cook.”

as for me, i like making decisions, i hate cooking.
ryuu | Homepage | 02.02.05 – 9:29 am | #

Yun: That is what I am trying to advocate. I think my mom’s a great cook. Dad would come back even for lunch while he was at work far away.

Toxic: That is a very cute idea! Why don’t they have this in KL?

Ryuu: Hahha. same here. I would prefer to give the idea and he cooks. I think I would marry a chef!
Gina | Homepage | 02.04.05 – 12:25 am | #
Backup comments said…
Yo Gina, just cruised in on here from James’ site..

Me believes that it’s not the taste of the food.. it’s the love effort put into cooking the food.

I like to cook for people, not for myself, one way of showing that I want to spend the time to cook for them, spend time with them and of course love them.

Eventually, to keep them coming back for more “love” food, you gotta get better at it lah..

My next entree will be thosai… where can I can get liquid blender for free.. hmmm…
PauLOS | Homepage | 02.04.05 – 10:47 am | #

I love cooking. It’s the cleaning up that gets to me.
mdmafia | Homepage | 02.04.05 – 2:27 pm | #

Lol if you can’t cook find someone who can. It’s the 21st century hell with guys who insist women should cook. But then the guys commenting here seem to be mod.

Long time reader of your blog but first time commenter.

Gong Xi Fa Chai – Choy San ))))))
visithra | Homepage | 02.04.05 – 5:55 pm | #

PauLOS: If you are a serious good cook for the love of food, I can get you a free blender. You just need to cook for me for a year.

mdmafia: I have no choice but to wash up. I don’t like any of it. I just love to eat.

visitra: Thanks for visiting! Hope to hear from you more!
Gina | Homepage | 02.05.05 – 12:19 am | #

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