Well, a friend commented that my blog posting is getting mundane. Lack of wittiness and spontaneity nowadays. Not surprising – already over 150 posts in less than a year. Witty blogging is a tough job, yet someone has to do it. Maybe I am just not cut out to be a blogger after all.

If you noticed the usual average 3 posts per week are not there – well, here is it, in summary.

Office: Do not to take your nice boss for granted.

Sugar was curious whether I am happy here. Of course I am. Just that, these days, I was somewhat distracted, making careless mistakes and aloof. Have to cut down on partying and late nights.

This is really serious. I know, as much as she adores me, I have to buck up and not to take her for granted. She is a nice boss really.

Friends: Do not to base your judgement on one’s character the initial way you knew him/her.

I don’t like Curly for numerous reasons. His super loud mouth and bossy character, just to name a few.

His loud mouth and bossy character came in handy in time of crisis. He went to the Buddhist Temple to help sorting out the relief aid. Initially, it was a total chaos. The moment he was there, he was appointed as a committee member and assigned to be in charge of the logistics. Everything went on smoothly after that, despite some glitches with the elderly due to his bossy character.

Friends: Do not to take your good friends for granted.

Visited James and Mae together with Pilot Boy. A different chapter of life enfolds. When we first met, we were talking about other disastrous meetings with internet friends, experimenting on booze, polishing our skills in pool, darts, foosball, etc.

Nowadays, we talk mainly about children, diapers, milk formula, etc. James and Mae have Jesse and Pilot Boy has baby Brian, and I have Sasha and Lok Lok (Not mine. Temporary baby sitting).

Sasha & Lok Lok

Had a quiet Japanese dinner to rekindle old friendships… not really that quiet, as I was complaining all the time.

Can’t wait for Kat to come home.

Supper gang – had supper last Friday. It was fun just to watch them yak the night away. LB is having his house warming party soon. We are happy for him and hope to see him settle down soon with his long time girlfriend, Tina. The Monk said, we should start saving up to buy LB a cow for slaughter as a wedding gift for kenduri. Geez.. this idea comes from a fellow Buddhist… namo amitabha.

Wang Loi, ex gym mate, came home alive, from Bali, after violent protest from her brother, not allowing her to go. She went there on 1st January. Well, like they say, it’s time when it’s time. Actually, I was worried sick the 5 days while she was in Bali. Bought me a bottle of Absolut Vanilla. Nice.

Ms Lactose in Action

Celebrated CK’s birthday in Rum Jungle and Deutsches Bierhaus. Not on the same day though. As usual, the cake, booze and entertainment by sexy Ms Lactose in birthday suit (without the ears and furry tail) and unfortunately, she did lap dancing (ooOOo) on an invisible person.

The dinner at Deutsches Bierhaus left a warm fuzzy feeling inside, except for the exceptionally rude waiter. No more next time. There were seven of us, self, WY, YY, CK, Ms Lactose, Bee Stung Lips and Boon Seong. We planned to scale the Mount Kinabalu this coming March… erm.. not really my cup of tea.

Closet Gays – Bee Stung Lips & CK

I hope I don’t end up as the cattle (read: Pig) to be slaughtered as offerings to the spirit of the mountain.

Catching up with Ann and Victoria on tsunami disaster and religious discussion (more like anti-religion talk) over Big Whoppers in Burger King. Victoria came up with her mom’s amazing religious theories on why these places are swept by the great waves of death.

Visiting Seng in Singapore tomorrow. No, it is not a tongue twister. It is his birthday on 21st. Will be seeing Dimples and catching up with old friends whom I met in Redang Trip about 4 years ago.

Friends come and go. We just have to appreciate them as and when they are with us, and let the sweet old memories linger when it's time to say goodbye and continue with their new lease of life – having a family, migration, change of sexual preference/orientation, etc.

Family: Not to take your family for granted.

There have been some tiffs over petty issues in the house. This is what you get when you stay with a dozen people in the same house. 12 people with 12 opinions… err.. 10 opinions. Sasha and Lok Lok, I believe have not form their own opinions as yet.

Whatever it is, family members usually meant well. Compromise, tolerance, patience, perseverance and close one eye.

Sex Life: It doesn’t pay to have sex on the first date.

I don’t have one. Just checking if you are still reading.

Gym: Do not to sing/whistle while in the shower

I think I freak some girls out as I whistled while taking the shower in the ladies changing room. They thought there was a man.

I have made a progress.. not in terms on body mass and shape.. I was chatted up by a man yesterday, instead of girls. Okay – even if he looks a bit like William Hung, but at least he is from the opposite sex.

Dating Scenes: Went on two blind dates this year.

Blind date I: You are very attractive.

Self: So are you... Are you saying that to get me laid?

Blind date II: You don’t look weighing 15 kgs on the moon. (For those not-so-scientific-savvy, the ratio is 1:6)

(He quoted me 20 kgs lighter. I felt my feet floating for a few seconds).

Self: You look so much better in person than in pictures. But.. sorry... I can't imagine dating a Ch*bai (He is half Chinese/half Sikh).


Backup comments said…
wow…the year just started and u are having a great time already, keep it up…
VJ | 01.19.05 – 11:39 pm | #

Ch*Bai’s are great fun. *ahaks*
james | Homepage | 01.20.05 – 12:35 am | #

Hope you have fun in Singapore!
Toxic | 01.20.05 – 2:18 am | #

yo.. actually you need the force for your blog to keep it grow into the next level. It is inside of you waiting to be come out. May the force be with you! Carpe Diem!
Tan Kien Boon | 01.20.05 – 2:34 am | #
Backup comments said…
Sex on the first date? That’s one sure way of going down the waterfall.
fishtail | Homepage | 01.20.05 – 9:05 am | #

sex on the first date? i’ve had one of those before.

err, u mean the drink, rite
ryuu | Homepage | 01.20.05 – 9:28 am | #

That sure looks like a nice piece of ass … just can’t leave without commenting on it.
fishtail | Homepage | 01.21.05 – 1:11 pm | #
Backup comments said…
VJ: I hope yours is just as eventful!

James: I know you enjoy them. hahahah.

Toxic: I did. Thanks!

TKB: A fan of George Lucas?

fish: Down the waterfall? Is it fun? Hahha. Yes – a nice piece of ass indeed.

Ryuu: No, I mean real sex. Sex on the First Date? What combination for the drink?
Gina | Homepage | 01.24.05 – 4:52 pm | #

i’m just kidding lah. :P
ryuu | 01.24.05 – 9:48 pm | #

Ryuu: I didnt know mah.. coz there is a few drinks with weird names, like Slippery Nipples, etc. And I am not kidding.
Gina | Homepage | 01.25.05 – 8:29 am | #

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