In KLCC yesterday, I went to Kinokuniya as usual to do some free reading while waiting for friends who were never punctual. I bumped into a book, the Magic of Voo Doo. Not really a book, more like a kit for practicing Voo Doo. Cost some RM52.08. Made in China. Distributed by Canada. I don’t understand why must they stick the price tag in between the “Made in China” sentence. I can still figure it out.

It mentioned that this art of Voo Doo are for those who are frustrated with life and want to get even… hmmph.. interesting. It is suitable for those who are having a shit time at work, while driving (revolting drivers – exact words), problematic in-laws.. etc.

Follow instructions using the color coded cap nips on the doll accordingly. Of course I didn’t get to read everything. These things are on the cover of the kit. They even mention about handing over the voo doo doll with cap nips to ferocious cats to tear them into pieces. Scary! Must be helluva vengeance.

Should I use this on my boss?


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