Mooncake sure brings back memories.

Some 10 years ago, after my A levels exams, I went to a classmate’s house in Seremban for a short break. We went to a temple nearby Seremban, where they claimed, the “kau chim” (seeking will of God via “fortune stick”), it would be very “leng” (accurate).

The fortune teller said, within that year's Mid Autumn's festival, I would be meeting someone who would be my potential mate. He said, if I missed the chance this time, my “yuen fan” (fate) would be much later in life.

I asked him, “How late?”

He said, “Very late.”

Then, I, being a pain in ass – “How late is very late?”

He said, “Maybe in your 40s.”

As I ate the Teow Chew Mooncake in office today, I reminisced the old times. I met him of course. He brought a pail with candles as his lantern which made the girls chuckled.

I even made him some leong char when he was feeling unwell, hence, my teasing housemates gave him a nickname, “Leong Char Chai”. When he left for United Kingdom, I gave him a shaving kit and a scarf to keep him warm. In return, he gave me his internet account password so that we could keep in touch.

Years gone by. He returned to Kuala Lumpur. He even took me for a ride in his new sparkling silver Proton Iswara, first car when he started working.

As I knew that he was not and would not at least be interested in me, I introduced him to one of my single girlfriends.

Their relationship took off immediately and it ended as soon as it started. She even told me juicy bits of their relationship that made me blushed. She accused him of trying to take advantage on her. I felt it takes two to tango. Somehow or another, it made the both of us (he and I) stopped talking to each other because of embarrassment.

I didn’t see him since. I wonder how he is and where is he now?


Backup comments said…
he cannot be yr potential mate wat. maybe he is galloping on his way la.

i m really lookin forward to syueong yut. coz, my bro will be back.

wat kinda mooncake u likey? i love those with the yolk and ping pei.
takeshi | 09.18.06 – 11:38 pm | #


geez… gina’s romance story…
how cool is that??! hehehehe…
romancer | 09.19.06 – 12:23 am | #


She must be very flattered that he tried to take advantage of her.

So how many days, hours and minutes more b4 you hit the 40′s?
stevo | Homepage | 09.19.06 – 1:13 am | #


Oh…. I want to hear more… so touching…
Lengx2 | Homepage | 09.19.06 – 6:09 am | #


ahhh… the ones that got away. I do ask myself those questions sometimes. Who knows, maybe one day you’d bump into him on the streets, get married and be happily ever after.
Kat | Homepage | 09.19.06 – 9:19 am | #


Takeshi: Don’t ask so much leh! You gonna buy me mooncake is it? I like Shanghainese Mooncake.

romancer: Where got romance lah? It is just a make-believe. Heh.

Stevo: Now, now.. don’t rub it in. Another 10 more years to be celibate lah, it seems.

Leng2X: I don’t think I have more.. hhaha.

Kat: I doubt it. The last I heard he went back to Johor, his hometown.
Gina | Homepage | 09.19.06 – 10:43 am | #


Shanghainese Mooncakes – I like em too

What a romantic story – with mooncakes n a guy init.
cleeyy | Homepage | 09.28.06 – 10:33 am | #

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