I was on my fourth (or was it fifth?) yoga on Wednesday, and was quite happy that I am making some progress (no, I still cannot reach the floor while bending down, even if I improved by one inch every week). It is quite a milestone for me, considering that I never tried yoga before.

A fellow colleague commented that I did okay and asked if I ever did yoga before.

Me: No, this is my first time.

She: You are doing great!

Me: I think you need to wear glasses while doing yoga. You have been seeing things.

Being a newbie – while the rest of the group is already a year into yoga, I better get used to the jargons used throughout the whole yoga session – Cobra, Downward facing dog, cat, locusts (they sure like animals a lot), etc.

Last week, we did the “Sun Salutation postures. I kinda like it, even if it can be quite energy consuming and require a lot of flexibility and stretches. Looks complicated.. well, it is.

This week’s much more challenging. We did the Chaturanga. It might look easy but it’s definitely not!

Yoga is all about balancing the mind, body and soul. No wonder so many celebrities like Madonna and Christy Turlington swear by it. I am not sure of the benefits of it for myself thus far – but it sure makes me sleep like a baby after a session!


Backup comments said…
Just wait til you get to the shaking kundalinis hahahaha….
stevo | Homepage | 06.23.06 – 9:10 pm | #


Hhmph.. sounds very vulgar. Can’t wait!
Gina | Homepage | 06.24.06 – 7:32 pm | #


omgoodness – cant imagnie myself doing that. enough to do the usual stretch and whole body aching liao
michael | Homepage | 06.25.06 – 2:41 pm | #


Michael: You will never know till you try it! I thought I could never do it.. but I did.
Gina | Homepage | 06.25.06 – 9:02 pm | #

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