Hello? Anybody Out There?

I was looking at this old blog and suddenly my fingers were itchy so I tweaked the lay out. Then, all the comments vanished. Hahahhahaha! Being my "genius" self, I forgot to even save the old template.. so.. damn... It was a good thing, I have a mirror image blog.. so, I sort of cut and pasted most of the 4,000+ comments MANUALLY! Yes.. I have no life. Hahaha!

Also, for the comments I managed to read before I stupidly deleted them by applying the new template.. Yes.. I am still in Malaysia. 6 years have gone by.. in a flash... so, how have you guys been? Or.. Hello? Is anybody out there?


Anonymous said…
I just stumbled onto your blog, the one about someone joining you and popiah at breakfast. It was hilarious! And a good read. Your blog entries are so interesting!
Gina said…
LOL! Yes.. the Lai Ma Story. I think there should be a category solely for Lai Ma!
Anonymous said…
I've met the likes of Lai Mai,thank goodness not too often, and found the encounters...well, just too toxic for words but your quirky take of the encounter was hilariously funny! Will you be reviving this blog? It's a shame that you stopped!
Anonymous said…
you do not like attention? no problem. write bad blogs. nobody read boodhooram's blogs.

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