Sunrise at Angkor Wat

Well, I am not an expert when it comes to traveling to Siem Reap, but this is the summary I could gather which were quite useful for me, from my experience.

1. The best time to go to Siem Reap is actually around November to February, where the weather is cool and dry. Probably you would be able to get to see both sunrise and sunset when the sky is clear. I, for that matter, was not lucky this time.
2. Bring along candies, cookies, pens, pencils, color pencils to be given to the kids, rather than giving them money.
3. Do not be afraid of heights. Make the climb. The scenery is worth it. (Remember the advice I gave Kat: If elephants like me can climb, pigs like you can fly! Hahahah!!)
4. Do not be alarmed when your plane is about to land at Siem Reap Airport – we swear we couldn’t see the runway either when our aircraft was preparing to descend. There would be a slight bump just after the plane touched the ground.
5. Bring sunglasses, caps, sunscreen lotion, hats, face mask and shawl (for tuk tuk rides - input from WY, thanks!).
6. Bring a torchlight, as the road at night can be dark at times due to lack of lamp posts and use mosquitoes repellent.
7. Read up on the temples before you go, for those who are really interested in the history of the temples – it would be a more interesting visit, rather than just plod in aimlessly without any knowledge. Or just grab a free guide book from your guest house/hotel before you start to plan your temple visits.
8. As a general rule, it is always good to visit temples in early mornings or late evenings as the weather would be cooler and the sun light is just nice to illuminate the carvings for viewing pleasure.
9. Bring a compass – it would help in your temple study/directions.
10. Just go and relax!

Pictures you might not see in other people’s travels to Siem Reap.

Boatman’s slippers

Floating village’s inhabitants lazy afternoon

Street Children Graffiti on one of the walls at Pub Street

Dragon fly resting in one of the pillars of Angkor Wat

Restoration work at Angkor Wat

A face on the sand in Ta Phrom
(I know this shot is CRAP, but it’s hidden! See if you can find it)

A face behind the Roots in Ta Phrom
(it’s hidden as well! Finders’ treasure)

Miniscule purplish flower in Preah Khan

Bad plastering work at Angkor Wat

Viagra on sale


Backup comments said…
If you wear cap while in tuk tuk, make sure it fits your head coz the strong wind might blow it off..(like wat happen to my sis)

For those who’s visiting soon or planning to visit Sieam Reap, just go and enjoy Siem Reap!!
WY | 07.23.06 – 4:01 pm | #


By the way, nice pics!
WY | 07.23.06 – 4:12 pm | #


What’s with the Viagra pic? Peddling drugs part-time to mend busted budget? LOL. The things you do – it boggles the mind, which explains why your blog is so popular anyway
cynthia | 07.23.06 – 5:12 pm | #


all the way to siemreap for viagra? lol.

did u cek out the going rates for ‘underage gals’?
takeshi | 07.24.06 – 11:06 am | #


lovely advice – firefly hidden buddha all look gorgeous
visithra | Homepage | 07.25.06 – 11:13 am | #


WY: Thanks for the company.

Cynthia: I find it amusing.

Takeshi: I am not as perverted as you lah.

Visithra: Well, it’s your turn to go!
Gina | 07.26.06 – 3:05 pm | #


Heya, I like the photo with the slippers. That picture in its simplicity, speaks volumes!
Zing | 07.26.06 – 7:23 pm | #


Zing: Most people who appreciates photography, liked that pic very much.
Gina | Homepage | 07.27.06 – 10:33 am | #


Great Angkor stories & pics, Gina! We were there just last week. Check out our pictorials here:

Our Angkor/SiemReap story-telling still in progress. Pls visit from time to time for updates.

Naim Y. | Homepage | 08.19.06 – 4:40 pm | #

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